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Kubuntu 12.04 and 12.10 p/word in tty1>6 invalid and other problems

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    I use a very nice Hp wireless keyboard that worked out-of-the-box-no-config. I like the flatter laptop-type keys. I then use a (gasp!) Microsoft mouse that also required no configuration to work. Of course, my "combo" requires 2 USB ports as they're not a set.

    Please Read Me


      The Logitech I am talking about is also not a 'combo' as far as I can see from the specs. as the requirements are for 2 USB ports. Keyboard and mouse would be my guess.

      From the specs:-

      Linux® kernel 2.6+
      Two available USB ports


        Nice. Everything that was problematic is now hunky-dory and Bob's my uncle (in real life and in Kubuntu) ..ha..ha..ha.
        Did a fresh install of 12.10 just to make sure that the Logitech mouse and keyboard is good with Linux kernels 2.6 and higher
        as advertised. Absolutely no problems now, and I can once again log into the tty's. Also the screensaver kicks in when it should.

        Had some misgivings when in the live cd as there was erratic mouse behaviour, but after the install all was perfect. Nvidia and OpenGL.
        Just goes to show that one cannot always go by what happens in a live cd environment where hardware is concerned.

        Now the fun of setting things up the way I had before begins. It's quite a speedy process as I have backups and have gone through the
        procedure svereal times.

        Thanks for the listening post so to say.

