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No sound, no youtube.

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    No sound, no youtube.

    Well, I tried to check some of the forums, but I haven't found anything so far. I am a new ,(brand new) user to linux/Kubuntu, and I can't figure out why my sound isn't working. I have an AMD 3500 64 bit, with 512 ram... and I understand that there are some complications with 64AMD users, but I can't find anything that works. I tried re-installing alsa, through a link with instructions in the Ubuntu forums, and it did not work.

    Also, I tried the firefox32, and javascript fixes in the forums as well and they did not work. I know i am probably doing something wrong, but I really am just not making any progress in coming towards any solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I would like to get back to multimedia enjoyment. haha.

    Re: No sound, no youtube.

    sound - might be usefull to tell us what you mean by doesnt work - did alsa install for example? what have you tried and what outcomes did you get? what sort of sound card do you have?
    what is the output of
    lsmod|grep snd
     ls - l /dev|grep audio
    ls -l /dev/snd
    if you run kmix (or clkick on speaker icon in system tray ifyou have one, then click mixer) - do you get a mixer, does it appear to recognises you sound card (names it in bottom right corner)? - if so is the volume up or is it muted? anything else relevant would be helpful

    youtube - does anyone know if this is possible? I think youtube requires flash 8 runtime - linux support stops at 7 doesnt it?


      Re: No sound, no youtube.

      Not sure what your youtube problem would be. I'm running Dapper and Youtube works just fine for me. Do you have flash installed?


        Re: No sound, no youtube.

        not sure i fyou're aiming this at me or OP, but for me:

        - yep got flash installed - have no problems with flash in general - just sites needing flash >=8

        "Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player"

        -is the message I get from youtube - java script is not turned off... so i guess its old version of flash?
        which version of flash are you using? is from the k/ubuntu feed?

        id love to get this working, so thanks for any insgihts you got


          Re: No sound, no youtube.

          @stupiduser: Your Youtube problem may be due to the fact that you installed the AMD64 version of Kubuntu rather than the i386 version. Obviously, no one told you that Adobe (the current owners of Macromedia) have NOT released versions of either Flash or Shockwave for AMD64. This is no problem for windoze because they really haven't released a version for AMD64 either.

          Unfortunately, right now, there really isn't much advantage to using the AMD64 version of Kubuntu unless you have some specialized requirements like writing the software that's going to turn all those Pentium users green with envy a year from now, or using semi-pro level imaging or animation software.

          For your sound problem, try some of the suggestions on this page.

