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weird characters during simple compilation

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    weird characters during simple compilation

    I just installed drapper drake and was compiling a simple c program just to make sure
    everything was working fine.
    int main()
    printf("hello world\n"); return 0;
    during compilation I got an error ( expected ), but the characters were weird

    sanjeev@sanjeev:~$ gcc test.c
    test.c: In function âmainâ:
    test.c:3: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function âprintfâ

    what are these characters before and after, main and printf ? How do i get
    rid of them ? in xterm these the whole function name disapperas and I only
    see â .


    Re: weird characters during simple compilation

    First of all, install the package "build-essential" and "hello world" will compile. Second, are you using a non en_us locale? That might explain why quotation marks are being shown as (in my location, a with circumflex above it). Regrettably, there are a number of places where you have to change the name of the location (including Firefox). Look at this page in the community help wiki, for guidance. Unfortunately, it prertty Gnome oriented. Alternatively, if you ARE using en_us, you may have a problem with calling out the correct character set in all of the diffeerent locations required, see the section of the page referenced above called "for anti-utf-8 people", because you just became one.

