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Using XM radio online W/Firefox

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    Using XM radio online W/Firefox

    Is anyone here an XM subscriber ? I'm having problems getting Firefox to play the XM online stream, while in Konquorer though, it works just fine. FF, launches Kaffiene when I click on a station stream, but in Konquorer, it plays the streams straight from it. I guess I have to un-associate the file somehow, but don't know where to look.

    Any help would be great, thanks.


    Re: Using XM radio online W/Firefox

    I decided to get rid of Firefox, which was installed through Automatix, and opted to download it from the official site. Question is though, is this version just the same as the one which is used in Automatix ? If so, I guess it would be redundant to try and install it manually.

    If it IS different though, how can I install it from the tar.gz file I've downloaded ?


      Re: Using XM radio online W/Firefox

      You REALLY, REALLY should install FF from the Kubuntu package, using Adept, Synaptic, or apt-get. It is much easier, and will be updated auto-magically. Please Read This If, and only if, you fully understand that page should you try to install anything from source.


        Re: Using XM radio online W/Firefox

        I wound up installing it w/Automatix again, because I do actually read things before I try to do them, and just didn't have the patience to wrap myself around the task of installing from source ! So I"m back to square 1, missing some sort of plug in, which seems to be required to get my XM online stream going.

        It plays just fine with Konquorers embedded player, and it works under Windows in their version of Firefox, and I'd just love to get it going in FF in Kubuntu, so I don't have to have another app opened.


          Re: Using XM radio online W/Firefox

          I have the same issue. Konqueror says that it is using xine. I have the mediaplayer connectivity extension installed in FF. I use RP10 for replayer and a mixture of mplayer and amarok for the other types. I don't have anything in the expert types. What type of stream is xm using? The link shows media.jsp. If someone has this working, please share. The issue has nothing to do with the version of FF. It is a configuration/helper application issue. Thanks.

