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DVD Codec Installation Commands

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    DVD Codec Installation Commands

    I switched from Ubuntu to Kubuntu and when I go to install the DVD codecs something is a miss. It seems as though the commands or locations to get the libraries are different. Can someone provide a command line and location to get the codec for Kubuntu to work?

    Here are the commands that worked just fine with Ubuntu but now dont work since I am using Kubuntu;
    1. Sudo apt-get install libdvdread4
    2. gksu /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/

    Osawatomie? Wow! I'm from Olathe (now the "Big City" huh?).

    Have you added the Medibuntu repository? It's not enabled by default due to licensing stuff.

    BTW: Welcome to KDE. Drop gksu and start using sudo for CLI root access and kdesudo for GUI root access.

    If you have a hard time switching, add an alias to ~/.bash_aliases:

    alias gksu='kdesudo'

    Please Read Me


      I just moved from Olathe to Osawatomie ealier last month. Im missing Olathe but not the cost of living. I have not yet tried the repository you posted. I was not aware of it. I will see what this does for the installation. Thanks for your response.


        this should work without the medibuntu repo installed. I am guessing that gksu is causing the problem. Should only need to use sudo as these are terminal commands and don't need gui access.

        Recent discussion:
        FKA: tanderson

