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KRandRTray, Nvidia 8400 GS, and XORG.conf

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    KRandRTray, Nvidia 8400 GS, and XORG.conf

    Currently I can't really complain about my graphics. So I will understand if want to go help someone else who is sitting in front of a black screen... in the dark.

    Ok with that said, I have been running XP and Kubuntu 10.10 since it came out 2 years ago. Just about a month ago, I replace my motherboard and said, "Meh, why bother installing XP on my system at all?" and went 100% Linux on the HD. I didn't upgrade the Kubuntu 10.10 but I installed the Nvidia X Server since I am running a 8400 GS on a 22" HD TV Emerson model LC220EM2, but it wants to set XORG.CONF to this;

    Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier     "Layout0"
        Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
        InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
        InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
        Option         "Xinerama" "0"
    Section "Files"
    Section "InputDevice"
        # generated from default
        Identifier     "Mouse0"
        Driver         "mouse"
        Option         "Protocol" "auto"
        Option         "Device" "/dev/psaux"
        Option         "Emulate3Buttons" "no"
        Option         "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
    Section "InputDevice"
        # generated from default
        Identifier     "Keyboard0"
        Driver         "kbd"
    Section "Monitor"
        # HorizSync source: edid, VertRefresh source: edid
        Identifier     "Monitor0"
        VendorName     "Unknown"
        ModelName      "FNI LCD TV"
        HorizSync       15.0 - 69.0
        VertRefresh     23.0 - 63.0
        Option         "DPMS"
    Section "Device"
        Identifier     "Device0"
        Driver         "nvidia"
        VendorName     "NVIDIA Corporation"
        BoardName      "GeForce 8400 GS"
    Section "Screen"
        Identifier     "Screen0"
        Device         "Device0"
        Monitor        "Monitor0"
        DefaultDepth    24
        Option         "TwinView" "0"
        Option         "metamodes" "nvidia-auto-select +0+0"
        SubSection     "Display"
            Depth       24
    I installed the above and the graphics get worse not better. I loose display features, games get choppy, and windows are very hard to manage.

    The default XORG.CONF seems a bit too simple, but is the one I am currently running;

    Section "Screen"
    	Identifier	"Default Screen"
    	DefaultDepth	24
    Section "Module"
    	Load	"glx"
    Section "Device"
    	Identifier	"Default Device"
    	Driver	"nvidia"
    	Option	"NoLogo"	"True"
    Meanwhile xrandr reports this on terminal;

    xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
    Screen 0: minimum 320 x 240, current 1360 x 768, maximum 1360 x 768
    default connected 1360x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm
       1360x768       50.0*    51.0     52.0  
       1280x768       53.0  
       1024x768       54.0  
       960x540        55.0  
       840x525        56.0     57.0  
       800x600        58.0     59.0  
       720x450        60.0  
       700x525        61.0  
       680x384        62.0     63.0  
       640x480        64.0     65.0  
       512x384        66.0  
       320x240        67.0
    I added the KRandRTray widget to the bottom system tray. Some games do not run in the native 1360x768 and drop the resolution down to 1024x768. The icon will disappear at random and I have to run it again or reset the display with xrandr. I realize at this point you are scratching your head asking what is the problem?

    Q: Should I leave the xorg.conf alone and run as I am or am I missing something?

    Q: How do I get that widget to stay in my system tray?

    Well, likely the widget disappears because the app is crashing. Could be related but maybe not.

    In my experience, TV displays are always problematic. Poor implementation of EDID, odd (1366x768 doesn't work well in the computer world) resolutions, poor dot pitch.

    Having said that - I would guess your problem is lack of video performance.

    Any particular reason you're running a two-year old kernel and xorg server?

    If I were you, I'd do two things:

    1. Upgrade to 12.04 or 12.10. If you use 12.04, install the xorg-edgers PPA and upgrade to the latest server, kernel, and driver. If you don't want to upgrade - turn off all desktop effects.

    2. No matter what you do from step 1 - fine tune your xorg.conf. Just because the configuration gave you one that doesn't work doesn't mean you can't edit it. Do some searching on options for your model video card/chipset. I use these for my 8800Gt's:
        Option "TripleBuffer" "True"#                + Enables triple buffering. "Decreases the time an application stalls while waiting for vblank events, but increases latency slightly" (NVIDIA Readme) 
        Option "UseCompositeWrapper" "True"
    #                + Enables the X server's composite wrapper instead of the builtin one. 
        Option "BackingStore" "True"
    #                + Cache overlayed areas in case they get redisplayed later 
        Option "OnDemandVBlankInterrupts" "True"
    #                + only fire VBlank interrupts in modes where they are needed
    You can test the performance of your video setup with gtkperf. I get about 7-8 secs to complete all tests.
    Last edited by oshunluvr; Oct 03, 2012, 07:25 AM.

    Please Read Me


      Thanks for taking the time to reply.

      Any particular reason you're running a two-year old kernel and xorg server?
      Yes, It took me two years just to get my system almost perfect... nah... I just like this build. I stuck with Windows XP for about 12 years, so why not Maverick? It does amaze me though how many times I have read that something was "fixed" or "solved" in a forum. Then you find out they didn't "fix" anything at all they just waited and upgraded the whole system. I am not one to just pick up and move on with the crowd, which might leave me behind the latest tech. I don't want to be the point man and take the first bullet either. I still have my old Emachine from 2001 in the closet here... I am such a stick in the mud.

      You can test the performance of your video setup with gtkperf. I get about 7-8 secs to complete all tests.
      Thanks. I will definitely check that out. I was just wondering what data in the first xorg.conf could be causing trouble, so I have been commenting items out, and running tests like that but it sounds like bouncing it off gtkperf will work much quicker. Like I said topside, nothing critical is wrong, I am just tweaking and making repairs... you know, making the perfect 10 perfect.


        Yeah - nothing wrong with 10.10 (it never would install on my system but 10.04 and 11.04 and above worked fine - wierd huh?) I just wondered if there was a reason. There are issues that are solved with new kernels and xserver BUT sometimes new ones are created. The biggest reason to upgrade IMO is the newer versions of KDE are MUCH better than the one you're using. I'm running 4.9 on my Quantal test install and it's much improved.

        On my system: the latest xorg-edgers stuff actually slowed my gtkperf a half a sec or so but everything smoothed out at the same time so the net result was an improvement. I also run all the cool effects all the time time. If I need greater frame rates, I just ramp up the overclocking on my cards. They're water-cooled so my limits are pretty high.

        Please Read Me


          Yeah I just posted in another related thread that I have "played it safe" and never use the automated upgrades. When I do it will always be to a stable release downloaded from the ISO and burned to a CD. There are several methods to testing a OS upgrade, virtualbox is great for that, so maybe I will have have a peek at 12.04 but I am saving myself for 12.10

