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The application KNetAttach has closed unexpectedly

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    The application KNetAttach has closed unexpectedly

    Hello there. I'm new on Kubuntu 12.04 LTS and i have 2 problems :
    1. When i boot on Kubuntu the following error displayed (I attach a screenshot).
    2. At Ktorrent when i run it display a message that my torrent files not found. My torrent files is on my second hard drive. I observe that when i open the dolphin file explorer and explorer the hard disc who has my torrent files and open Ktorrent i have no problem. I think is something about mount or like this. Thank you a lot
    Attached Files

    KNetAttach has to do with network

    As for the torrent you will need to mount the drive first, as you did above.

    Click where the drive shows up in your panel and right click on the drive click "Device Notifier Settings" Then Click Removable devices, Click "Automatically Mount....." Then choose your drive.
    Last edited by Robtygart; Sep 29, 2012, 09:12 PM.


      Originally posted by Robtygart View Post
      KNetAttach has to do with network

      As for the torrent you will need to mount the drive first, as you did above.

      Click where the drive shows up in your panel and right click on the drive click "Device Notifier Settings" Then Click Removable devices, Click "Automatically Mount....." Then choose your drive.
      Thank a lot for your answer. There are way to fix my problem with KNetAttach ?


        I am not sure, I am sure someone will the right commands will chime in with the right commands.


          Well, what's behind the Show Details button?


            This complaint is almost a year old now yet all three of the Kubuntu 12.04 systems I regularly use still have this problem almost every time they boot up. Ironically, none of them are networked although they do, of course, have internet connections. Granted, it's a minor annoyance but it's also a very unprofessional annoyance for someone who uses no other operating system. Is there nothing which can be done about this?


              I get the same KNetAttach crash notification, but I don't see this when I boot up. It occasionally happens when I log out and log back in. It seems to happen after I access files from another computer on my network. I'll post the Show Details the next time it happens.

              OS info:
              Kubuntu 12.04 32-bit on bare metal single boot Desktop
              Linux Kernel 3.2.0-51-generic-pae
              KDE Platform Version 4.8.5
              GRand Unified Bootloader (Legacy version) 0.97-29ubuntu66

              Desktop info:
              ASUS CM5570 - AP002
              Intel Pentium Processor E5300
              ASUS NVidia GeForce GT 610 with 2GB DDR3
              6 GB System Ram
              3 Western Digital HDs internal
              1 Optical Drive internal

              I use Smb4K


                I logged out and logged back in and KNetAttach closed unexpectedly. I have the contents of the Show Details.

                I click Relaunch and have have "Send an error report to help fix this problem" checked.

                It looks like this when I click the details button right away.

                If I wait a moment more information appears. Are the details contents stored somewhere in a log? If so where? I can provide that data if needed.




                  You could try disabling Nepomuk.


                    Originally posted by Robtygart View Post
                    You could try disabling Nepomuk.
                    I could but I'd really like to figure out why it is crashing KNetAttach.

                    I just found a bug report for this.


                    I found the location of the log.

                    Its here and its big.
                    The contents are here if someone wants to take a wag at it.

                    In the mean time I'll do some more sleuthing and continue to track the bug.




                      Here's your problem:
                       Segfault happened at: 0x0:	Cannot access memory at address 0x0
                       PC (0x00000000) not located in a known VMA region (needed executable region)!
                      SegvReason: executing NULL VMA
                      You can't assign the instruction pointer to the first physical byte of RAM! Silly boy.




                          Tongue-in-cheek answer

                          The segmentation fault analysis indicates that something in the program resets the processor's instruction pointer to the very first byte of memory in the machine. As this is not an area of memory that can contain executable code, the program dies. It's a bug in the software, which might be triggered only under certain conditions.


                            Thanks for the explanation. I googled but didn't find anything that clarified it for me. This fits the behavior I see. It doesn't happen all the time. I only see it when I transfer files across the network and then log out and back in or restart. I acknowledge the crash notification, relaunch it, and move on.

                            No worries. I'm on a learning curve curve here.

