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Audio system with weird behaviour

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    Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
    Yeah, I had to break my habit of holding my eyes against the microwave door. It wasn't easy, but I succeeded!
    LOL! Best chuckle I've had all day, thanks for that

    On a more serious note: you are indeed correct that (thanks to the inverse-square law) you'd have to be very close to the source of the RF leakage, and remain close for some time, for any harm to occur.
    "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
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      Originally posted by Jonas View Post
      Actually sound and pulseaudio is the worst bit in Kubuntu imho. I have trouble plugging in my TV with hdmi and there's always a couple of minutes of "mystery-tinkering" to get sound output... sound setup on Kubuntu puzzles me still.
      You know, I find myself in agreement here. Getting sound to work feels like playing with sharp edged smoke and mirrors. Why can't I get Yate to control sound output at all? Why does Linphone sometimes play the other caller's audio, and sometimes not? Why does SFLphone sometimes find my USB headset, and sometimes not? Why does Ekiga -- a GNOME phone, for $DEITY's-offspring sake -- seem to be the only VoIP phone that actually works?


        Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
        I have the same setup and outside of the kmix volume indicator icon turning into a file icon occasionally, it works brilliantly. What Phonon backend are you using?
        At the moment I'm trying gstreamer and vlc and I haven't really noticed any difference between them to this issue.
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