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Boot issues

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    Boot issues

    OK a little background is necessary. Before I switched to Kubuntu 12.04 the other day (you have no idea how chuffed I was that I could keep using ubuntu without having to avoid Unity DE via gnome-panel) I was having the following problems, which are likely something to do with my new desktop comp. I'd installed Ubuntu 12.04 (via the alt-cd) on it with no problems at all (vista did boot into safe mode, but I wasn't gona use it anyway).

    Then when I booted there was no GRUB bootloader menu, the screen went 'blank' (not off, just dark) but eventually popped up with the login screen. The next boot, screen goes blank, then pops up an error page (attachment 1), which mentions the ata disk, so I try twice more, same thing. So I remove that IDE HDD & insert a SATA HDD. Install again and theres a bit of messing about (blank screens, no GRUB at boot), finally login screen. So then I lived with about 1/3 boots giving me a pinkish blank screen, pressing restart button when this happened gave GRUB at the next boot, but then OS either gave pink screen again, brought up a prompt for a while then login, or a call trace error screen. So I avoided restart button, just did hard shutdowns when pink screen freeze occurred.

    About 7 days ago I started getting 'internal error' messages, firefox repeatedly crashed, the internal error report program crashed, errors were with apt-get and something to do with perl. I'd had enough, so reinstalled with normal ubuntu iso from usb. This seemed better as I was able to surpass the pink screen by repeatedly hitting the spacebar (most times).
    Internal errors then play up again, I discover kubuntu, and install that for my last ubuntu attempt before trying mint or fedora. Works fine, actually shows the loading screen (unlike lubuntu on my laptop :/ ) until the next day it just brings up an error screen during a session.

    Now when it loads (if it does, get a grey screen most times) I get a login screen, but then get the background image, the mouse, then just black but with the mouse still functional (& tty1-6). I've run fsck, everythings ok with the disk apparently, oddly get GRUB if I use restart button (or shutdown -r) even tho it's not the alternate iso, which fails to load OS, screen says no input & goes back to BIOS but GRUB will do recovery mode.
    It this a hardware issue? BIOS didn't load HDD specs like usual yesterday & was unresponsive.
    Any help would be great, would love to not have to buy another comp & continue to use Kubuntu
    Error pics - - - - -

    sounds like a failing hard drive ,,,especially sense the BIOS is even failing to recognize it at last .

    maby bad connections or cable .......but probably a bad HD

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      kk I've plugged in my old IDE HDD and installed kubuntu, all is working so far fingers crossed, btw if my motherboard sata channels say SATA2_0, SATA1_1 etc does this mean it will work with SATA I and SATA II HDD's?



        The screen shots look more like a kernel oops. If there's an issue with the CPU or memory, then swapping the hard drive won't fix it. If swapping the hard drive results in no more errors, then that means there's some problem with the SATA controller or the other SATA hard drive.I think the SATA channel names are referring to two different channels, rather than the SATA spec version. What is the motherboard make and model, and the BIOS?


          mm I am waiting for the same thing to happen, as I changed HDD's originally and got exactly the same issue. Motherboard is Gigabyte GA-G41MT-S2P, BIOS is 'AWARD BIOS' according to specs page
          By SATA2_0 I'm sure it means the numbering of the channel (0, 1, 2 and 3 at the end), e.g. if it were a SATA III channel, it would be annotated SATA3_{1..3}.
          I've got a pic of the memtest, though it's gobbledegook to me.


            So you've got 4 SATA connectors per the spec, and all are 3G/s capable. Probably you have one of the more recent revs. of the ICH7 southbridge, the specs are here. You should check the version of your BIOS and if there is an update available, flash it with the most recent version. Any SATA controller that supports 3G/s will be backward compatible with the earlier SATA specs, so that is not a concern.

            memtest should run overnight and when you stop it in the morning there should be zero errors. That's all you need to look for. If there are any errors at all, then that's a problem with the installed memory, either speed (match to the FSB) or corruption.


              Hmm, my previous comment hasnt show up, do I run memtest for like 9hrs then? I'm looking at flashing my BIOS and I'm not sure about trying that, not a clue which guide to follow, looks like I'd end up busting my comp more (and if I can't fix this whole issue I'd like to be able to sell the motherboard and stuff! )


                ive actually managed to update my BIOS (using flashrom), pretty chuffed at that, no idea if it'll fix the kernel panicks though lol

