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Under "New Event" appointment info does not print on calendar

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    Under "New Event" appointment info does not print on calendar

    Kubuntu 12.04 64 bit KDE 4.8.4

    Just installed Kontact. Happy to be able to use Kmail again, however, when I open my calendar to set an appointment, I type in the relevant information on the date chosen, but the information does not display on the calendar. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!

    It might help if you could post some more information about your setup.

    Do you have akonadai enabled and are you working with Google calendar, or are you using only the onboard calendar.

    When I was first fiddling with Akonadai and Google calendar I had exactly the same thing happening but discovered that I was typing into the local calendar, and unknowingly looking at the google calendar.

    One can have both of them checked so as to see both the local and the google calendar on the same view, overlapping each other.

    So, if you could come back with some more info for the more experienced folks than I to be able to help.



      Akonadai is enables. I only use the onboard calendar. I personally avoid using alternatives to KDE applications. I do not remember ever choosing Google calendar and do not even know how to check if both are checked. Just before checking this post, I found that Kmail is not able to check the local Inbox folder. I have Thunderbird installed for emergency use, however I am having trouble with it too. When I receive emails from Newegg relating to bargains, I am unable to make a connection with the links they provide. I get a box that says what application I want to open for those sites. The choices of applicatin are not any I am familiar with and there are only 2 offered.

      I am very confused right now and without any working email application. This is an important tool for me and my primary communication tool. Thanks for any prompt help.

      I even tried to reinstall Kmail. It is my favorite mail program. One other thing, in the box on the left of the kmail window, nothing appears when I open the application, even after reinstall.

      I am not completely without experience, however, I am at a loss of what to do. I have tried many configuration options too, but nothing seems to work.

      I get partial service from Thunderbird and Gmail, but not what I need. Thanks for any help!~


        Thank you very much for the information, it will be helpful to folks that are smarter than myself on this.

