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mobile broadband 11.10

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    mobile broadband 11.10

    Please forgive me if this is posted in the wrong place. I stupidly as it appears upgraded from kubuntu 11.04 to 11.10 before coming on holiday where I was to rely on mobile broadband. I can still use it through windows but even the tag in the network manasger is greyed out. I guess I could try and unpgrade to 12.04 but that is rather hard when you dont have network connection. I have searched around for a solution to this and one person said just click on enable mobile broad band in the Network manager. I have searched but cannot find such a tag. In fact nothing nothing i have done seems to make any difference. Why did mobile broad band suddenly disappear with this upgrade? Can I upgrade to 12.04 by downloading an iso to windows and burning a disk. all the recipees seem to assume you have a working network.
    Thanks for any help in this direction.

    Can I upgrade to 12.04 by downloading an iso to windows and burning a disk
    As far as I know, you can't perform an upgrade from an install disk... However, it still might be worth making a 12.04 CD anyway, as you may be able to boot from the CD and test to see if your mobile broadband works with 12.04. If it works, maybe you can find somewhere (coffee shop, etc.) that offers free WiFi to customers and do your upgrade that way.

    By the way, what make & model is the mobile broadband adaptor?
    "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
    -- Douglas Adams


      Thanks very much. The dongle I am using describes itself as a t-mobile USB stick 615. Looked in the windows 7 (used to xp and knew where all was) and under devices it's just just described as unknown. On the stick itself it has just the number E173. Is anything there enough to say what it is?
      Thanks again


        OK, a bit of googling tells me that you most likely have a Huawei E173. There is a bug related to this model. However, one of the commenters on the bug report claims he has a fix:

        Step 1 - Insert USB dongle into USB port

        Step 2 - Open a Konsole window and enter the following commands:

        sudo modprobe -r usbserial
        sudo modprobe -v usbserial vendor=0x12d1 product=0x1c08
        Hope that works... if it doesn't, I'm all out of ideas.
        Last edited by HalationEffect; Aug 14, 2012, 05:43 AM.
        "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
        -- Douglas Adams


          Quick thought while on the run... Is this dongle one of those things that also contains its own device drivers? Put another way, when you first used it in Windows, did it appear as a USB drive, from which you installed drivers, and then it switched from being a drive to being a modem?

          If so, then you'll need to investigate the "USB modeswitch" tools. I can find more info later if, in fact, what I decsribed above is true for you.


            Hello rcwh, I also have a T-Mobile mobile broadband dongle that I use to connect with. There is a problem with using it under 11.10 and also 12.04. What you have to do is reboot the computer with the dongle connected and it should then recognise it when it boots up. You'll know when its been recognised when the mobile phone icon appears on the taskbar.

            If you haven't yet setup mobile broadband in network manager then do that and fingers crossed it should allow you to connect. If it doesn't work the first time keep on rebooting until it does.

            Steve, the dongle does not have its own drivers built in to the device, you need to install them from the CD that comes with it to use within Windows.


              @nickstonefan: OK, thanks for the info.


                I think I might have found a solution to your problem. As mentioned earlier I have a similar type broadband device and the other night I was experimenting with KDE to see if I could get it to automount the "dongle" upon login.

                What I did was, Go in to "System Settings"
                1. classic menu -> settings -> system settings
                2. click on "Removable Devices" under the Hardware setting
                3. Select (tick) "Enable automatic mounting of removable media"
                4. under attached devices I then selected "Automount on login" and "Automount on Attach" to the device it has labeled "500 MB hard drive.

                I do not have any removable device that has 500 MB storage so I am assuming that this device is the "dongle". When I booted up this morning the "dongle" was mounted automatically. But that could just be coincedence.

                Hope this works for you.

