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Tried installing Knights on Dapper

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    Tried installing Knights on Dapper

    I installed Knights along with gnuchess (engine) on Dapper. I get some error messages but otherwise, Knights works. However, after the first three opening moves against the computer, the computer player gets stuck. How can I get this to work? Also, where can I get extra themes?

    Re: Tried installing Knights on Dapper


    I've just tried to install.
    first installed knights and then gnuchess...
    knights was configured easily and after I had to play around to make gnuchess be recognized... It's done.
    I've launched it from konsole and started to play new game against computer worked great and after quite a lot of moves I got beated. (I forgot to change difficulty as I'm better in linux than in chess )
    Maybe you can try to launch it from konsole and look what it's telling you, no ?

    About themes, I've looked and could find only rpm, nevermind, you can still extract them.... Look in google for download knights theme for linux

    Good luck


      Re: Tried installing Knights on Dapper

      I also installed Knights, gnuchess and gnuchess openbook from the repositories. I had multiverse, main and universe directories enabled. I ran knights from the konsole because the game icons are not installed in kmenu. I configured Knights to use gnuchess. If I enable openbook moves in Knights then the computer oponent makes the first 3-5 opening moves before it hangs. Without openbook, the computer hangs on the opening move. Either way, it makes for a short, unenjoyable game.

      Game versions are Knights 0.6
      GnuChess 4

      Here's the konsole output when I run Knights:

      X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169
      Major opcode: 147
      Minor opcode: 3
      Resource id: 0x0
      Failed to open device
      X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169
      Major opcode: 147
      Minor opcode: 3
      Resource id: 0x0
      Failed to open device
      knights: WARNING: audio:repFile: Can not download tar:/usr/share/apps/knights/themes/KSDefault.tar.gz/matchover.wav
      QFile:pen: No file name specified
      QFile:pen: No file name specified
      QFile:pen: No file name specified
      QFile:pen: No file name specified
      QFile:pen: No file name specified
      QFile:pen: No file name specified
      QFile:pen: No file name specified
      QFile:pen: No file name specified
      QMetaObject::findSignal:io_engine: Conflict with io_base::sendCMD(const Command&)


        Re: Tried installing Knights on Dapper

        The two error messages from X are probably due to the presence in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf files a three stanzas referring to the wacom louch screen and the three lines in the Server Layout stanza mentioning stylus, cursor and eraser. If you #comment the wacom stanzas (everything from Section "Input Device" to End Section in all three) those error messages will disappear.

        The error messages from knights and QFile seem to be caused by a tar.gz archive in the /usr/share/apps/knights/themes directory called KSDefault.tar.gz that was not unarchived. Navigate to that folder with Konqueror. Right click on the file and then extract it's contents with Ark. Hopefully, that will get you going.


          Re: Tried installing Knights on Dapper

          Read that how-to on fixing the BadDevice errors. I've commented everything you need to do to get it to go away. I had the same problem and now I never see that error again since doing everything the how-to states.

