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Atomix Linux 3.2

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    Atomix Linux 3.2

    Hi all, first post so i'll try and keep it brief. I'm using Kubuntu dapper and have read some snipits about Atomix, will it run on this system please and if so is it worth the effort.Cheers

    Re: Atomix

    Atomix is available through the package managent system.

    If you Google "Atomix" there seem to be more than one program with this name.
    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Re: Atomix

      LOL: Sorry its my mistake the inquiry is about "Atomix linux 3.2" know it works with gnome and on hearsay its now working on KDE.Has anyone tried it.Thanks


        Re: Atomix Linux 3.2

        I believe that the OP is referring to a Serbian Linux distro called Atomix Linux, which is now at release 3.2 Atomix is a Fedora variant. It uses KDE as it's default desktop environment. I suspect that the OP is confusing Kubuntu with KDE. On the other hand, he may wonder whether the chemistry game Atomix, which is written with GTK2, works with KDE in Kubuntu. I haven't tried it, but I see no reason why it wouldn't.


          Re: Atomix Linux 3.2

          Hi, thanks thats the right one i didnt realize it was a fedora job, no big deal will wait till i find some that tried it using Kububtu and then make a decision i'm just a lazy old sod always looking for the easy road, Cheers

