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Changing the theme "wall paper"

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    Changing the theme "wall paper"

    I have a dual head nVidia adapter in my system. I have one desktop spread across the two monitors. The screens are mounted side by side. I'm using the standard theme shipped with 12.04.

    How can I "flip" (horizontally) the wallpaper in the right hand monitor so it mirrors the left hand monitor? I would find it much more pleasing.

    well one possibility would be to copy the image file of the wallpaper and rename it then open it in Gwenview and go to edit and mirror it then save set it as the wallpaper for that screen.

    you must have system settings>workspace behavior>virtual desktops >different widgets for each desktop checked for you to have different wallpapers on separate screens ..........and possibly some tweaking in system settings>display and monitor as well depending on how you have it configured now.

    oops sorry dident remember the one "desktop spread across the two monitors" part it wont work like that ..........

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      If the two monitors have similar resolution / aspect ratio, you should be able to do as Vinny suggested and flip the image, but then create a new graphic that is twice the width by stitching one to the other in GIMP or similar.

      Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.


        The two monitors are identical. I'll give Vinny's suggest a try ... next week. I'll post the results.


          I have a Kubuntu 12.04 VM running on my Mac. I started looking in the system settings>workspace behavior and system settings>display and monitor looking for "wallpaper" of some sort. I see I'm using the "Air" desktop theme. I don't see a place to change the wallpaper. Reading about the oxygen project hasn't helped me, yet ...

          Suggestions on where to find the "wallpaper" I'd like to eventually flip?


            rite click a blank area on the desktop then desktop settings.

            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
            16GB RAM
            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


              rename it to wallpaper(2) ?
              just a thought

