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Looking for an application....

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    Looking for an application....

    Hey All,

    Is there a program or application that will take something like a LibreOffice Impress/Powerpoint file, and convert it to an AVI/MKV? My daughter will be graduating, so I want to run a slide show with music in the background and stuff.

    I suppose I could do it in LibreOffice alone, but I'm looking for something I could run with VLC.

    Anyone have any pointers?

    Hello. Why not make the presentation in Impress or Stage, do a full-screen slideshow while running a screen capture program (like RecordMyDesktop). Now you can take the video file and use KDEnlive to add and sync audio and voice commentary as needed. You'll even be able to add some cool effects and transitions if desired. Then simply render the completed project in the format and resolution of your choosing. Might not be the only way to get this done, but it is how I would do it.
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      check out a program called Imagination's a DVD sideshow maker

      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
      16GB RAM
      Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


        I can agree with Vinny - Imagination is terrific. However, it only seems to work with image files. I think you would need to make each slide a drawing which you then exported as a jpeg. You could use imagination to create a great slideshow.

        Are you wanting sounds to be associated with individual slides though? If so, I'd be inclined to stick with to Libre to prepare it. Dequires idea looks neat too.


          Save the slides as images.



            Thanks for all of your input.

            My whole plan was to take images and place them on a slide show with music playing in the background (not per slide). So in this case, I would be able to use this without any office program at all.

            I will try out both of these. Thanks Fellas!

