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Video filckering on VLC post upgrade.

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    Video filckering on VLC post upgrade.

    Hi All,

    Some flickering is happening in vlc player when i play the video in full screen mode. In normal mode there is no flickering.

    I'm facing this issue only after upgrading my machine from kubuntu 11.04 to 12.04 version. Also i'm running nvidia 8400 GS graphics card.

    Please help me in fixing the same.

    Last edited by itbala; May 28, 2012, 02:00 PM.

    Does this happen with multiple videos in different formats?


      yes. this is happening in all types of videos that has been played in vlc player (particularly in full screen mode).


        Are you using the nvidia proprietary driver? And can you describe the flickering problem? I had a similar issue with VLC where I would get scanlines with all types of videos. Upgrading to the latest nvidia driver fixed the issue.
        Home: Kubuntu 12.04-amd64; Intel i7-860 on Intel DH55PJ; Nvidia 9500GT; 6GB RAM
        Network Slave: Xubuntu 11.10-x86; Intel P4-Prescott on MSI; 2GB RAM; Nvidia FX5200
        Portable: Xubuntu 11.10-amd64; Asus EeePC 1015PEM


          Yes i'm using nvidia geforce 8400 Video card.

          Can you please help me with how to check the version of nvidia driver i have installed and how to upgrade it to latest version.

          Vlc player is playing the video files but it producing some horizontal lines while playing the fast moving scenes in all the video format.

          I have tried below methods to in an attempt to fix the issues with regard to vlc player.
          1. Changed the display output module to x11.
          2. Enabled in De interfacing and chosen Blend as De-interfacing mode.
          3. Disabled overlay video output options.
          But still i'm facing the above mentioned issue on the vlc player even after the frest install of kubuntu 12.04 OS and activating nvidia graphic card.

          Please help me with this.


            hi, My nvidia driver is latest version only. please refer below for the details....

            home@home:~$ sudo apt-get install nvidia-current
            [sudo] password for home:
            Reading package lists... Done
            Building dependency tree
            Reading state information... Done
            nvidia-current is already the newest version.

            Please help on this. I'm still facing the flickering issue.

