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Lost Download Files

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    Lost Download Files

    I'm sure this is a simple issue and I just don't know enough to go to the right place. I keep losing downloaded files. For instance, I just downloaded a Plymouth theme file online. The download went just like I expected, and after the download the notifier with the file popped up showing the file in the download folder. Yet when I opened Dolphin to extract and copy the file where I needed it, it wasn't in the download folder. I went to the home folder and from there it directed me to my folder (capt-zero). I opened my folder, saw the downloads folder, opened it, but the file wasn't there. Like many files to download, the name is contracted so I don't have the complete file name to "locate" in the terminal. Many of the 'download' files that show up in the pop up window are where they are supposed to be, but the one I just downloaded isn't there. I went back and downloaded it again. When the notifier popped up, again it showed the download along with earlier downloads that do show up in dolphin. Once again, I can't find the file I just downloaded. This happens often.

    In a similar vein, there are wallpapers I've downloaded from 'Deviant Art' that don't show up when I try to open them from my 'Desktop Settings' app, yet they are visible from Dolphin. Any ideas?

    Last edited by capt-zero; Apr 26, 2012, 05:47 PM. Reason: missing modifier, spellin

    What are you using to download them? Have you tried
    wget <URL of download>
    to see if you can download them via command line.

    One other thing you might want to do is run a disk check.



      Appreciate the help. So far I've only used the download button on the website I'm visiting. In this case a KDE website. I'm sure there are alternate methods of downloading I've not tried, but the real question is, why aren't downloads that show up in the download notice popup (that has files already in it that do) not showing up in Dolphin? Also why aren't files that showup in Dolphin, able to load in ancilliary apps just like the file next to it that also shows up in Dolphin and will load? I hope I'm not being too confusing here, but it seems that all files of the same type should respond the same way when attempting to access or manipulate them.



        this is strange .......I can suggest 1 press F5 in dolphin to refresh the info ......2 check the desktop & documents folders as well and look in /tmp as well .

        what browser were you using when you downloaded the files ?

        and you are right files of the same type should react the same .......are you sure they were the same type?

        as far as the wallpapers you've downloaded from 'Deviant Art' not showing up in desktop settings ......that's because they haven't been added as wallpapers yet!

        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores



          Okay, I just finished a disk check with smartmontools and the disk is clean. The browser I use is Firefox. I will recheck the downloads folder and surf my files checking all the folders I can think of. I just assumed that since the popup notice was listed as 'downloads' and the file I just downloaded was listed just above a file I know is in the download folder that that is where it would be. I'll also try f5 and see if it gives me anything.

          However, my cat has just notified me that I will soon turn into a pumkin, so I'll probably shelve this until the morrow. Until then, I thank you for your help and I'll keep you posted.



            The command line can be your friend.

            To search for file names containing pattern, starting in the current directory and recursing through all subdirectories:
            find -iname '*[i]pattern[/i]*'
            To search your entire file system:
            sudo find / -iname '*[i]pattern[/i]*'
            Alternately, you can use the locate or mlocate commands, which rely on a file name database. When I use this, I always update the database first, then attempt to find the file:
            sudo updatedb && locate [i]pattern[/i]



              Thanks for the tip. Worked like a charm. What happened is that I didn't look closely enough at what the download instructions said and inadvertantly downloaded, unzipped and opened it into my documents folder. When I looked at it earlier, I was looking for the original file, not all the files it unzipped into. So I appreciate everyones help.

              As an addendum, anyone who hates the new default 'Plymouth' screen you can go here: "" and follow the instructions to change it. The screen offered is pretty snazzy, but if you don't like it you can easily change it to whatever you want with the instructions provided.

              Last edited by capt-zero; Apr 27, 2012, 05:30 PM. Reason: spelling


                Originally posted by capt-zero View Post
                As an addendum, anyone who hates the new default 'Plymouth' screen you can go here: "" and follow the instructions to change it. The screen offered is pretty snazzy, but if you don't like it you can easily change it to whatever you want with the instructions provided.
                Plymouth, bah humbug. Yeah, I probably gripe about it too much. Just get rid of it!



                  I agree that it's a pain. However, as I mentioned in an earlier post, it's dangerous to just uninstall it. I will have to look around and find a place with clear (to newbies like me) instructions on how to change it and make a post in "help the new guy". My last reinstall was because of not knowing this. I must say though, that Kubuntu was nice enough to warn me. I was just too pig-headed to take heed.



                    Your wish is my command.

                    See: Plymouth is for pilgrims, not PCs.

