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Can't Install, system freezes up

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    Can't Install, system freezes up

    So I download Kubuntu and write it to a CD, do a check, no errors on it. Put the cd in my computer and it boots from the CD. I click on Boot or Install Kubuntu (or whatever the top option is) and it starts cycling through a bunch of commands. Then it jumps to a black screen without the Kubuntu picuter and does some more lines of code. Then it goes to a new screen with a single underscore in the top left and after that nothing else happens.

    I also tried doing it with limited graphics and it seemed to do better, but then it froze at the screen with the Kubuntu logo and the status bar.

    My computer is sorta old, an old Dell workstation about 2001, but I have run XP just fine on it and the RAM is around 370 MB with a 40 Gig Hard drive. Could it be the processor (700 MHz?). idk... please help

    Re: Can't Install, system freezes up

    My wife's T21 Thinkpad had a similar problem.  This is the fix I used:

    Open /boot/grub/menu.lst and look for the entry of the kernel you plan to boot from.  It will look something like:

    title           Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.15-23-386
    root            (hd0,5)
    kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-386 root=/dev/hdc6 ro quiet splash
    initrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-23-386

    Change the "kernel" line to:

    kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-386 root=/dev/hdc6 ro quiet

    Removing the "splash" option did the trick for her.  Try this and let us know if it works.


      Re: Can't Install, system freezes up

         I am freezing at the same place as mininger711, on a newly formatted hard drive. The kicker is the first time I put the newly burned desktop .iso cd in, it worked. It booted to the kubuntu desktop, & I was even able to reach the Internet via the browser. When I tried to install to hard drive via the desktop icon it froze on step 6 of 6.
      Now I freeze at the same place as mininger711 on reboot. I have subsequently Re-Formatted the hard drive again & it still freezes at the same place.
      After boot, the first graphic comes up asking to boot or install (with other choices), after picking install it gos though a bunch of loading & the progress bar go's all the to the end, then a brief underscore at the top left then a blank, black screen.  ugh. 
      Not sure what code I can change. I have a wiped hard drive and all I have is a burned CD. No great loss, I wiped this spare machine to learn on


        Re: Can't Install, system freezes up

        I am also freezeing in the same place, once it has loaded up a few things and the screen has reset to a new progress bar it freezes.

        I am running with windows already installed (and hopeing to get a duel boot running).

        My specs are:
        AMD Althon 64 3700+
        1GB RAM
        Radeon X700 SE Graphics Card


          Re: Can't Install, system freezes up

          I'm a complete linux n00b so take anything I say with a mountain of salt, but it sounds like you have a similar problem to mine. I had the same symptoms and I found that X was unable to start for one reason or another. Can you Alt+F1 to a console window? If so try "startx" and it should give you some kind of output as to why it's not starting.



            Re: Can't Install, system freezes up

            Im having something of the same problem. Ive used linux a few times in the past ( Mandrake, Fedora, Gentoo ), all installed without many issues.
            Ive downloaded the DVD Athlon 64 image, choose the first option to boot or install, loads everything up, get the cursor screen, and then my screen goes white, with white scores all over it, 4 or 5 blue squares in the middle? and a single blue square below those 4 or 5. I cant do anything else from there. No keyboard commands work. No Alt-F?, no three finger, no Ctrl-C... nadda.

            Can anyone address this problem? find some kind of fix.

