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New to Linux

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    New to Linux

    Dear friends
    i'm very happy to write to you, mainly becouse it means that i'm able to connect my PC on the net!!!
    However there are some question that i have:
    1) How can i understand if the 3d graphic, sound card work at their max, or need some configuration?
    2) After my installation i'm connected by the University net, which is really fast, but the ratio to apt upgrade download was near 36-56 kB/s...maybe there is a ploblem with the ethernet card, isn't it?
    -Where can i see the connection speed?

    Thanks for your replays

    Re: New to Linux

    Answer to #1:

    Type "glxgears" in a console (that DOS-like text box thing). If it goes fast, great, if it's jerky, not so great. There should be some numbers too.

    As for sound - if it works, it works

    Answer to #2:

    Depends on a LOT of factors outside your control. d/l from the 'net depends on who else is on the network and how many others are d/l from the apt-get repository. Nothing you can do about that

    Hope that helps.


      Re: New to Linux

      If you're using an Nvidia based card this will help. It has to do with gaming but it will install Nvidia's driver which will result in much better graphics acceleration than with the standard driver.



        Re: New to Linux

        Dear friends
        thanks a lot for your reply!!
        U r very kind.

        P.S. the gears work very well


          Re: New to Linux


          Hey! Good to see you here. Also glad to see you'r posting your Kubuntu how-to around these forums. It will definitely benefit users, especially the new ones. Great job!

          I made the switch from Mandriva to Kubuntu on June 1st when Dapper came out and I'm loving it. I don't foresee ever using Mandriva as my main OS again. I'll keep it on a spare box of course to keep building rpms for of course since the community relies on it greatly.

          Anyways, just wanted to say 'hey' and glad to see ya.

