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Digging Kubuntu, but have a few questions

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    Digging Kubuntu, but have a few questions

    Hi everybody,

    I'm real new to the linux world have a couple of questions to get me started.

    1. Adding new repositories in ADEPT--how? I tried a couple of times and I get unable to access ADEPT, and I need to do some stuff thru APT. My resolve was to reinstall because I don't know how to get to APT<--other question. I tried the guide, but no help there if I don't know how to get to it.

    2. I read in another topic to update AMD generic to K8. I am running a MSI K8N NEO4 Platinum with a AMD64 X2 +3800, but everything seems to be working fine as of right now, so I say if it works don't change it, so what is the advantage of this? and how is it done.

    3. Right now, I have 2 hdd, one 300gb with Windows XP Pro x64 and the other is a 160gb with Kubuntu Dapper Drake. I've read about dual booting. Is there any advantage to it? I hear nothing but complaints on the Windows end so obviously I have it set for selective boot. Should I keep it that way or is it just a comfort thing. I don't intend to toggle back and forth between Kubuntu and windows because I find that I use kubuntu a lot more now and windows for WoW.

    I guess I can go on and on with questions, but I don't want to make this too much and overwhelming, the 1st question is most important right now, so if I can get that answered I will be

    Help me o mighty Linux gurus

    Re: Digging Kubuntu, but have a few questions

    1) You need to access your etc/apt/sources.list file
    You can do this by typing alt f2 to bring up the dialog box then kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list. You can then remove the # from lines of sources and add universe and multiverse repositories to the end of the lines where appropriate

    One of the "mighty linux gurus" on this board has a lot of this info on his web site - here is a link


      Re: Digging Kubuntu, but have a few questions

      Sorry - I meant to add

      2) I agree with you, I wouldn't change your kernel if your system is working.

      3) I dual boot Windows on a separate drive, mostly for the benefit of Mrs Analyticalman who uses Windows There are advantages to doing that if you need to access the latest and greatest hardware or software where there is no linux replacement. In your case I'm guessing that the windows drive just has the one (NTFS) partition. Personally I would leave Windows there - Shring the NTFS partition to say 50GB add Other partitions to the free space (formatted as FAT32) that way, you could use your 250gb as space to store stuff that is easily accessible to both your windows and linux systems (well thats what I did anyway)

