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install help

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    install help

    ok. on my other laptop im havin issues when installing. for some reason i have to use acpi=off cheat to even get it installed. now after that my wireless card is pretty much not avalible correct?'
    anyway to fix this or bypass or workaround or something?


    Welcome to the forums :-)

    We'll need more details to try and help you out. Please open a terminal (konsole) and type in:

    and paste the results in your next results. Also, what is the brand and model (including number) of your laptop?

    Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loves and cares about you most of all!
    How do I know this personally? Please read here:
    PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST! You don't have to end up here:


      Originally posted by kubuntuwtf
      That is proselytizing a most egotistical and violent way of life.
      I'm sorry you feel this way. I can assure you in the most emphatic terms that it's not tripe and if one truly follows Christ, then the qualities you described are definitely not what is seen in that person. I know...I used to be a violent person in my heart and mind. ;-)

      Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loves and cares about you most of all!
      How do I know this personally? Please read here:
      PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST! You don't have to end up here:


        Originally posted by kubuntuwtf
        I don't understand why your religious tripe is even ALLOWED on a Linux forum... I request the moderators of these forums, ban religious dogma of any kind, even in sigs.
        I removed your highly inflammatory post away from the public board. In your three posts here so far (counting the one I moved) you have written highly critical remarks and exhibited most unfriendly behavior. Additionally, you should know that we are unlike most Linux forums in that we permit a wide range of discussion here and don't take lightly to censorship of any kind. But your most recent post crossed that line.


          Thank you Steve.

          @kubuntuwtf and others: you are free not to visit internet sites that upset you. This is not, after all, an official site that you need to go to to get Kubuntu support (in your other post you seem to have misunderstood that).

          Secondly, you're free to ignore posts or posters with content you object to. There is even a built-in function in vBulletin to ignore specific posters.

          There are even browser add-ons that enable you to block or replace specific text if it upsets you.

          So, take responsibility upon yourself, instead of forcing your standards on everyone else.

          I might agree that ardvark71's signature isn't "relevant" to a Linux forum (and does not align with my religious views) - but banning it would be quite inappropriate - and your language is much more offensive than the signature.
          I'd rather be locked out than locked in.

