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trouble loading kubuntu 6.06LTSI

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    trouble loading kubuntu 6.06LTSI

    I downloade disc I got from shipit. It failed to downloaod audio drivers. I also could not get on the internet. Says unable to open modem. I had to re-install windows to get back online. I have an Intel pet.2. 4gb hardrive, FM56-SVV Modem(faxmodem)and i use dil-up. Please, how do I set up to get on the internet? do not want to load Kubuntu again until I know for sure how to set up internet access. Thank you for any help as i am relativly new to computer.

    Re: trouble loading kubuntu 6.06LTSI

    Hi ButchieBoy. If you are new to computers then you may be in for a steep learning curve here. You have a so called winmodem that actually is meant to be used with windows software. There may be workarounds and drivers you can download for linux but it will be trial and error and you may need to edit various configuration files. If all that excites you - good luck and you will learn an awful lot. If you just want it to work, then the simplest way is to get your hands on any external modem (that plugs beteen your computer and phone line) That should work "out of the box", although you may still have to play around a bit to ensure that your system talks to your internet service provider OK. In your situation I would be tempted to "dual boot" that is to say have both Windows and kubuntu on your system so you can access help online from your windows system. Good luck!


      Re: trouble loading kubuntu 6.06LTSI

      Would a US Robotics external modem work? I would love to duel boot but I do not think I hsve enough haeddrive (2 drives, 1w/3.92GB & 1w/1.50GB.I am not sure I could do the dual boot w/out messing that up!! 


        Re: trouble loading kubuntu 6.06LTSI

        No reason why the US Robotics External modem wouldn't work that I know of. You can check by running your CD as a live CD and seeing if you can configure it from there.

        If you want to dual boot you are a bit short of space, although I don't know what the minimum space for a kubuntu install is. You could investigate "small" linux distros which you do have space for. Here is a good place to start if you haven't come across these before.

