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[SOLVED] Can't apply New User password

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    [SOLVED] Can't apply New User password

    On my new installation of Kubuntu 11.10 I created a new user account for my wife, but when I fill in password, with 'valid until always' checked, when I click on 'apply', nothing happens.
    The only info I can find is this forum post:
    But that seems a little dodgey. I want to make sure I don't reset my own password!
    Does anyone know how to do this?
    "Sitting quietly, doing nothing,
    Spring comes, and the grass grows by itself."

    Re: Can't apply New User password

    I've ran into this problem too. Somehow I managed to get it to work but I can't remember the exact things I did to get it to work. I know this is no help - so here is what you can do, use Kuser and set her password there - then she can change it later once she logs in.

    You might need to install kuser - the fastest way is just to open the terminal and type: sudo apt-get install kuser

    Or you can also just use the user management in system settings - you can set the password there too.


      Re: Can't apply New User password

      I am using User Management, and when I put her password in and click 'Apply' absolutely nothing happens.
      I imagine lots of people create other user accounts. How do they do it?
      I don't know what Kuser is, but I'll check it out. Thanks.
      "Sitting quietly, doing nothing,
      Spring comes, and the grass grows by itself."


        Re: Can't apply New User password

        Im not usre if i understand you correctly. Im sorry if im telling u anything u already know. Yry to change password via terminal by:

        sudo passwd "username"
        You will be asked for root password and then a new password for specified account.

        Once u create user U can change his password anytime via this command. And if you have trouble with account itself, u can do the whle process yourself.

        To create user (if GUI fails you) u can type

        sudo adduser "username"
        then create his homefolder

        sudo mkdir /home/"username"
        pass ownership to this new user with

        chown "username" /home/"username"
        and finally assign this home to user

        sudo usermod -d /home/"username"
        That should be all.


          Re: Can't apply New User password

          Thanks for the reply. I knew about the command line method of adduser/useradd, but I was hoping for a GUI method at do it.
          I installed Kuser and it worked great! I had no trouble setting a password for the new user account with that.
          "Sitting quietly, doing nothing,
          Spring comes, and the grass grows by itself."


            Re: [SOLVED] Can't apply New User password

            Here the User Management is working without problems.

            System Settings > User Management > Password Query

            [img width=400 height=174][/img]

            Add a new user.

            [img width=400 height=298][/img]

            Password/Security tab
            Give a temporary password. You are required to change your password when you make the first login. Clik OK.

            [img width=400 height=382][/img]

            There should be a new user. Here it is.

            [img width=400 height=297][/img]

            Older topics from the Kubuntu Forums:

            Topic: SOLVED: Problems setting up new user account /

            Topic: [SOLVED] Cant login after adding next user /
            Have you tried ?

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              Re: [SOLVED] Can't apply New User password

              That's interesting. I did everything it shows, but my Password/Security Tab had 'OK', 'Apply' and 'Cancel' buttons at the bottom. 'Apply' did nothing, and when I clicked 'OK' it didn't seem to make a password. Maybe the example was an older version?
              With Kuser it gave Password input line and you had to enter the new password a second time, as I would have expected, to create it.
              "Sitting quietly, doing nothing,
              Spring comes, and the grass grows by itself."

