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New to KUbuntu

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    New to KUbuntu

    Hi all,

    I have been a linux/ubuntu fan for quite some time. However, I just finally got around to giving KUbuntu a shot. Gotta tell ya, I am blown away as to how much different it is to the other distributions. I feel like I have really only scratched the surface so far.

    I was wondering if anyone had any good videos/tutorials that they have used in the past to help with the transition. There is a lot of features here that I would like to play around with. Anything would be appreciated, thanks.

    Re: New to KUbuntu

    Well fist thing for me was to adjust keyboard shortcuts to what im used to use.

    Then i googled whats the difference between compiz-fusion and KDEs default kwin and what support does compiz have. Althrough compiz is definitevly superior in almost everything, it doesnt work as good under KDE. Or maybe it does but u have to work a lot on it so i just decided to stick with kwin which provides portion of most poplar compiz features like cube, open/close effects, vaious animations etc. ...

    Third thing was to change absolutely everything that can be changed from panel design, window decoration, mouse cursor up to custom smileys theme in in my gajim client (see for yourself ).

    [img width=400 height=384][/img]

    After i customized absolutely everything to point of perfection i spent about a day trying to disable my most hated thing in this world, Akonadi and that "activity icon" on desktop. Ofc i failed because i found out even the damn clock need aconadi so i gave up, but it still remains one of the things that make me want to hurt the ones that created it that way. Whole KDE is so extremely customizable but u cant get rid of one damn icon on desktop and tray... Btw if anyone has solution beter than putting it behind panel so its not visible, pls let me know.

    Then i just installed programs i regularly use (gimp, wine, skype, vlc, audacity, ...)

    After 5 years of ubuntu i started to use KDE while ago because of ridiculous Gnome3/unity so im still learning but i think the way it is customizable makes it most universal environment for everyone. U can change almost everything just by setting options in System settings. And these few things that remain can be changed via various conf files.


      Re: New to KUbuntu

      Originally posted by matuskap
      After i customized absolutely everything to point of perfection i spent about a day trying to disable my most hated thing in this world, Akonadi and that "activity icon" on desktop. Ofc i failed because i found out even the damn clock need aconadi so i gave up, but it still remains one of the things that make me want to hurt the ones that created it that way. Whole KDE is so extremely customizable but u cant get rid of one damn icon on desktop and tray... Btw if anyone has solution beter than putting it behind panel so its not visible, pls let me know.
      What exactly are you trying to get rid of? My bottom panel has the following in it: Menu Launcher, Task Bar, KTorrent icon in system tray, volume icon, hidden icon button, notification icon, devices icon, time, Shutdown, Panel tool box. Activity icon is gone. What the hell is that thing for anyway?


        Re: New to KUbuntu

        Well theres this "New activity" icon (on desktop not panel). It does absolutely nothing more that right click on desktop. Actualy, it doesnt even have all the options like right click so i absolutley dont understand what is the point of it. I just moved it to upper right corner behind a panel so its not visible.

        But i didnt find any way to remove it completely.


          Re: New to KUbuntu

          Ahhh...that thing. Yeah, I cant get rid of it either. Cant figure out exactly what its there for either. Wonder what the developers were thinking when they made that thing...


            Re: New to KUbuntu

            the "cashew" as its called by some is for configuring the plasma desktop/panel. it says new activity because your current activity is named "New Activity". you can drag it around your screen edges if you don't like where it is located, mine is tucked in the corner. there is also a few widgets to hide that cashew.

            the activities thing as you put it . is for creating , starting and switching activites. activites being a setup plasma space, with widgets used for the task as well as maybe starting some programs for you also. they are a bit trickey to try switching a few that might help you see what they are for.
            Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
            (top of thread: thread tools)


              Re: New to KUbuntu

              Well im not going to use them even if its good thing just because it is there and cant be removed. This fact alone is unacceptable for any linux environment so for me its about principle. But i have to admit it makes me mad just to know its there even when its hidden > .


                Re: New to KUbuntu

                Originally posted by matuskap
                i failed because i found out even the damn clock need aconadi
                That annoyed me too, but I think I found out how to make the clock not need Akonadi:

                Right-click the clock -> Digital Clock Settings -> go to the Calendar section -> un-tick the box 'Display Events'.
                "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
                -- Douglas Adams


                  Re: New to KUbuntu

                  Originally posted by matuskap
                  Well im not going to use them even if its good thing just because it is there and cant be removed. This fact alone is unacceptable for any linux environment so for me its about principle. But i have to admit it makes me mad just to know its there even when its hidden > .
                  lucky for you there are other a lot of other de's ; so you can use one of them instead
                  Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                  (top of thread: thread tools)


                    Re: New to KUbuntu

                    Or you can do what I did. Install this widget:

                    Stealth Cashew

                    and plasma-scriptengine-ruby from the repos.

                    Now my cashew is there, but invisible. I just put it in the upper right corner, enabled this widget, and voila! no cashew!

                    I still have the function - just unlock widgets and right-click where I left the cashew and the menu activates just fine.

                    Keep in mind I'm using Natty so YMMV...

                    Please Read Me


                      Re: New to KUbuntu

                      Does anybody use the cashew? It doesnt seem like it. Why is it there


                        Re: New to KUbuntu

                        Here's a very good 11.10 Desktop Effects video. It also discusses Activities, etc. Worth a watch.

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                          Re: New to KUbuntu

                          Originally posted by whatthefunk
                          Does anybody use the cashew? It doesnt seem like it. Why is it there
                          I also have no use for the cashew.

                          Ever since one has been able to drag the cashew and position it anywhere on the edge/corner of the workspace I hide it under the Kmenu launcher to keep it out of site.
                          Attached Files


                            Re: New to KUbuntu

                            Originally posted by matuskap
                            Well fist thing for me was to adjust keyboard shortcuts to what im used to use.

                            Then i googled whats the difference between compiz-fusion and KDEs default kwin and what support does compiz have. Althrough compiz is definitevly superior in almost everything, it doesnt work as good under KDE. Or maybe it does but u have to work a lot on it so i just decided to stick with kwin which provides portion of most poplar compiz features like cube, open/close effects, vaious animations etc. ...

                            Third thing was to change absolutely everything that can be changed from panel design, window decoration, mouse cursor up to custom smileys theme in in my gajim client (see for yourself ).

                            [img width=400 height=384][/img]

                            After i customized absolutely everything to point of perfection i spent about a day trying to disable my most hated thing in this world, Akonadi and that "activity icon" on desktop. Ofc i failed because i found out even the damn clock need aconadi so i gave up, but it still remains one of the things that make me want to hurt the ones that created it that way. Whole KDE is so extremely customizable but u cant get rid of one damn icon on desktop and tray... Btw if anyone has solution beter than putting it behind panel so its not visible, pls let me know.

                            Then i just installed programs i regularly use (gimp, wine, skype, vlc, audacity, ...)

                            After 5 years of ubuntu i started to use KDE while ago because of ridiculous Gnome3/unity so im still learning but i think the way it is customizable makes it most universal environment for everyone. U can change almost everything just by setting options in System settings. And these few things that remain can be changed via various conf files.
                            Ya, these are definitely things that I will be playing around with. I think what will take me the longest will be panel design. I'm still even trying to figure out how it all works exactly as it is much different than most OS's. I've always been simple with regards to panels (more of a command line guy) so they are not my biggest fan.


                              Re: New to KUbuntu

                              Originally posted by matuskap
                              i failed because i found out even the damn clock need aconadi
                              Also, any KRunner plugin that references the calendar or email will trigger Akonadi. To disable those, press [Alt]+[F2], click the wrench, and deselect such plugins.

                              Originally posted by matuskap
                              Well im not going to use them even if its good thing just because it is there and cant be removed. This fact alone is unacceptable for any linux environment so for me its about principle. But i have to admit it makes me mad just to know its there even when its hidden > .
                              Do you use IPv6? Probably not. Do you know that it's included with Kubuntu? It is. Does that make you angry?

                              Before you dismiss KDE Activities out of hand, perhaps you can invest a little time learning how to use them. Our very own Claydoh, one of the mods here, wrote an excellent overview on his blog. The KDE UserBase wiki, ideal for those new to KDE, also has some useful information.

                              To some extent, KDE, like other DEs, is exploring new ways to help people find information, discover patterns, and interact with their computers. One of the beauties of KDE is its extreme customizability -- GNOME 3 and Unity provide you far fewer choices.

