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kubuntu 11.10 asking for multimedia plugins to play video?

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    kubuntu 11.10 asking for multimedia plugins to play video?

    ok, i'm a linux virgin. not the sharpest tool in the box at the best of times.

    got a vaio tz, ssd drive failed so have downloaded kubuntu 11.10 iso image and burnt it to cd. machine boots ok and i get to the gui. when trying to play music mp3 or video (avi) i get message that various mm plugins are reqd and asks if it should search for them. unfortunately, wifi has failed on the vaio so cant do a web search automatically for the reqd bits.

    can i download the reqd plugins from a different machine and put them onto a usb stick or will they have to be burnt to the cd with the iso image in some way? as i say, not the sharpest so please bear with me.

    any advice appreciated...

    Re: kubuntu 11.10 asking for multimedia plugins to play video?

    Hello, comrade, and welcome to a very friendly, helpful forum.

    Originally posted by comradeguevara
    got a vaio tz, ssd drive failed so have downloaded kubuntu 11.10 iso image and burnt it to cd. machine boots ok and i get to the gui. when trying to play music mp3 or video (avi) i get message that various mm plugins are reqd and asks if it should search for them. unfortunately, wifi has failed on the vaio so cant do a web search automatically for the reqd bits.
    Okay, a couple of things. One, am I understanding correctly that you're running Kubuntu strictly from CD? Personally, I don't see that as a good, long term plan. I'd get a new hard drive, pop it in, then actually install Kubuntu on it. Two, do you have an Ethernet cable you can use to connect to the Internet? That doesn't need to be a permanent solution, as we can help you get your wireless working later, but for right now it would allow you to download [after getting a new hard drive] any updates, plugins, etc., that are needed.
    Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


      Re: kubuntu 11.10 asking for multimedia plugins to play video?

      hi master, thanks for reply.

      yes, trying to run entirely off cd. seems to be ok except the obvious speed and noise issues but the reqd plugins are not included as part of the iso image. or so it would seem.

      ssd drives still fairly expensive this side of the pond so replacing hard drive not really an option. if i did replace hard drive then, dare i say it on this forum, probably resort back to win7.

      no ethernet, could get wifi dongle but just wondered if i could download the reqd bits to a usb stick and get things working off that.

      booted another machine with working wifi using same cd and again booted ok but not picking up wifi.
      all i wanna do is play music and video.


        Re: kubuntu 11.10 asking for multimedia plugins to play video?

        You should be able to run the live CD and open Muon Package Manager and install the package kubuntu-restricted-extras. Note though that you would need to do this each time you run the live CD. If you're never going to install it to iron (or via VirtualBox or WUBI), you'd be better off getting a Linux Mint KDE live DVD as it comes with the needed codecs already installed.
        ​"Keep it between the ditches"
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          Re: kubuntu 11.10 asking for multimedia plugins to play video?

          dequire, i think thats the answer i was looking for- linux mint kde. will it fit onto a cd or do i need dvd though?

          others have mentioned muon package manager elsewhere but i cant seem to find it anywhere on the gui frontend from any of the pull down menus/icons etc. will look again. dont mind having to load the reqd bits each time reqd.

          will google linux mint as that sounds another viable option.

          many thanks.


            Re: kubuntu 11.10 asking for multimedia plugins to play video?

            as i thought, wont fit on cd.

            anyone know of any os which includes codecs for music/video and which will boot off one cd...? linux based or otherwise. not chrome or any derivative as wifi has died on vaio tz.

            googling but any pointers appreciated.


              Re: kubuntu 11.10 asking for multimedia plugins to play video?

              Originally posted by comradeguevara
              as i thought, wont fit on cd.

              anyone know of any os which includes codecs for music/video and which will boot off one cd...? linux based or otherwise. not chrome or any derivative as wifi has died on vaio tz.

              googling but any pointers appreciated.
              One of the reasons Mint KDE comes on a DVD is because all those extras are loaded

              However, older versions of Mint come with codecs and will fit on a CD. Check out Note that the CD versions are NOT KDE...

              ​"Keep it between the ditches"
              K*Digest Blog
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                Re: kubuntu 11.10 asking for multimedia plugins to play video?

                This one will fit on a CD:

                I personally can't vouch for the contents or the quality. But it's Mint, so it should have audio codecs.


                  Re: kubuntu 11.10 asking for multimedia plugins to play video?

                  thanks all.

                  93% of the way to downloading mint 5 (lisa i think) so hopefully she'll do the trick.

                  thanks again.


                    Re: kubuntu 11.10 asking for multimedia plugins to play video?

                    just a FYI ...if you make a live -USB out of the kubuntu.iso image with a persistence file and add the Kubuntu-restricted-extras and say VLC and minitube (from a computer with Internet) you will have all you need on every boot

                    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                    16GB RAM
                    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                      Re: kubuntu 11.10 asking for multimedia plugins to play video?

                      Originally posted by vinnywright
                      if you make a live -USB out of the kubuntu.iso image with a persistence file and add the Kubuntu-restricted-extras and say VLC and minitube (from a computer with Internet) you will have all you need on every boot
                      Good idea, Vinny (I was about to suggest the same thing but saw you already did). Booting from USB is vastly superior to booting from optical media: it's faster, it offers persistence, and it's quite portable.

