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Qt3 problem, Can't install torrentocracy

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    Qt3 problem, Can't install torrentocracy

    I am new to Linux and after struggling through setting up MythTV with Kubuntu Dapper using wireless networking and SATA II HDD, I am having problems installing torrentocracy, a MythTV plugin.  I get the following error message trying to execute 'make' (I have already sucessfully executed 'qmake' on the file to generat a Makefile):

    sh-3.1$ make
    cd torrentocracy && make -f Makefile
    make[1]: Entering directory `/home/mythtv/torrentocracy-0.0.11/torrentocracy'
    make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/qt-3.3/mkspecs/default/qmake.conf', needed by `Makefile'.  Stop.
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/mythtv/torrentocracy-0.0.11/torrentocracy'
    make: *** [sub-torrentocracy] Error 2

    The installation doccumentation refers to this problem, but I do not understand how to fix it, I don't know how to set an environment variable, and I am not sure if I have all of the libraries in place to perform the make in any case.  Have tried to install the qt3 and qt4 packages that I thought relevant using Synaptic, but I am stuck at this point.  I am sure it is a basic Linux concept that I just don't know about yet.  I have a /usr/lib/qt3 directory, but no /usr/lib/qt-3.3 directory

    Re: Qt3 problem, Can't install torrentocracy

    Have you already installed the (meta)package called build-essential? If not, please do so. This will install everything that you need to compile from source.
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: Qt3 problem, Can't install torrentocracy

      Yes I have build-essential (v11.1) installed.

      I do not have the libqt3-mt-dev installed though, I get the following message from Synaptic when I attempt to select it for installation:

      Depends: libqt3-mt (=3:3.3.6-1ubuntu3) but 3:3.3.6-1ubuntu6 is to be installed


        Re: Qt3 problem, Can't install torrentocracy

        Check your sources, looks like you don't have dapper-updates repository available.


          Re: Qt3 problem, Can't install torrentocracy

          What line should I have in my sources.list file for the dapper updates repository?


            Re: Qt3 problem, Can't install torrentocracy

            deb dapper-updates main restricted
            (or your local mirror which starts with two letter country code)

            If you have the line already 'Fetch Updates' to make sure your package lists are refreshed


              Re: Qt3 problem, Can't install torrentocracy

              I have added the updates source and installed the libqt3-mt-dev package successfully, but I still have the problem detailed in my original post.

