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URGENT Choose partitions from live cd?

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    URGENT Choose partitions from live cd?

    I am stuck at the install screen using a live CD. Before installing I have made partitions on the hard disk. When I get to the screen on the live installer to setup the disk I can't find any way to get it to show me the partitions on the disk and allow me to choose where to install. All it seems to offer is deciding for me or wiping the whole disk when I choose manual. As I have just spent time installing windows and updating it I don't want to wipe it straight off again.

    Surely there must be a way of manually choosing partitions even on the live cd? I usually download the alternate but thought I would try use the live this time.


    Re: URGENT Choose partitions from live cd?

    Yeah -- I always use the Alternate, because the Live CD is a bit overbearing about partitioning. If you can't find a way under "manual" to set the root partition, then I think you're about to burn an Alternate.


      Re: URGENT Choose partitions from live cd?

      Originally posted by bailout
      I am stuck at the install screen using a live CD. Before installing I have made partitions on the hard disk. When I get to the screen on the live installer to setup the disk I can't find any way to get it to show me the partitions on the disk and allow me to choose where to install. All it seems to offer is deciding for me or wiping the whole disk when I choose manual.
      I ALWAYS use the live CD method of installing, whether doing a clean install on a brand new computer or upgrading, and I've never had a problem like you're describing. Are you SURE you aren't being given choices under manual? When I'm upgrading--and, therefore, already have partitions I plan to use--I always see them in the manual choice, and I can selectively choose which, if any, to wipe.

      Perhaps take a screenshot of your 'manual' options page and post it, or describe what you're seeing when you're there. That may help.
      Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


        Re: URGENT Choose partitions from live cd?

        Are you hitting "Continue" after you select Manual? If you aren't seeing something like this, you have a bad CD or bad hard drive MBR.
        Attached Files

        Please Read Me


          Re: URGENT Choose partitions from live cd?

          Thanks for replies. It turned out to be a fault with the partitioning. I redid the partitions and the installer then saw them and has installed fine.

          I attached the drive to my laptop originally with an adapter and used kdePartionManager to create a partition table and partition the drive how I wanted. Partitions were 1 primary for windows, the rest into an extended partition that I then split into a couple more ntfs and swap and ext4 for linux. I then put it into my pc and installed windows on the first partition with no problems. When trying to install kubuntu I had the problems in my op.

          I booted into the live cd and looked at the disc in partition manager and it reported that there wasn't a valid partition table. I then tried Parted Magic and used gparted. That reported and error message about overlapping partitions. As neither of them could access the disc I couldn't use them to sort it out without wiping my new windows install.

          I used the windows recovery console partition editor to delete all the linux partitions. KDE partiton manager could then see the disc but still didn't like one of the empty ntfs partitions and wouldn't mount it. So I delted all the logical partitions just leaving my windows primary and the extended and then recreated new logical ones as I wanted.

          When I ran the live installer again it could see all the new partitions and I could select the ones I wanted to use without any problems. Not sure exactly what went wrong originally but obviously that initial partitioning created some form of error. It took some time to sort out but at least I didn't have to reinstall windows


            Re: URGENT Choose partitions from live cd?

            I'm glad you've got it working now. Good job of sorting things out!
            Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


              Re: URGENT Choose partitions from live cd?

              I second or third using the alternate CD. I find this alternate installer is much faster too. Plus I like configuring volume encryption.

