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How do i edit my repos?

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    How do i edit my repos?

    I want to take the us. off my repos what is the command I need to use?

    Re: How do i edit my repos?

    The best way is to edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list using a real text editor. You could also use Adept or Synaptic, but they are less flexible.

    To use Kate, the KDE Advanced Text Editor: right click on the desktop; click "Run Command"; enter "kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list"; enter your password when requested; and edit your file. It's a good idea to start the editing session by saving the file BEFORE YOU EDIT IT with File>Save As> "/etc/apt/sources.list.bak", or something similar. You can change the letters "us" in the repo addresses to your country's 2 letter code (or someone else's country, if you prefer)


      Re: How do i edit my repos?

      Thanks worked great.


        Re: How do i edit my repos?

        Originally posted by askrieger
        The best way is to edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list using a real text editor. You could also use Adept or Synaptic, but they are less flexible.
        Where is there a list of recommended sites? I have the defaults plus the "universal" I got somewhere. But are there others that are good to include?

        Lane Lester
        The Web Doctor


          Re: How do i edit my repos?

 has my recommended set of repositories.
          Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


            Re: How do i edit my repos?

            Originally posted by aysiu
   has my recommended set of repositories.
            Thanks! I was surprised to see that aptitude update gave me this error:
            E: Type 'Or' is not known on line 27 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list

            And then I saw that I had grabbed the Breezy lines along with the Dappers. :P

            Lane Lester
            The Web Doctor

