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[ABANDONED]"KMail encountered a fatal error and will terminate now."

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    [ABANDONED]"KMail encountered a fatal error and will terminate now."

    The error was: Failed to fetch the resource collection.

    I recently installed, from liveCD, Kubuntu 11:10. KDE 4.7.2. KMail did not work and provided the above error. When clicking on OK of the error message, KMail abruptly shut down. I installed Thunderbird to have email service, and completed the other tasks involved in getting a new system current and all applications installed.

    The error I am experiencing has much written about it, however I have been unable to understand and implement the fix and need more basic help, please. I did install KOrganizer so that my appointments are available. How do I proceed to get kmail and kontact up and working? Thanks!

    Re: "KMail encountered a fatal error and will terminate now." Failed to fetch the r

    You and many others, including me. Have not managed to find a resolution so far ;o(
    Someone must know - please?
    Regards, Andrew<br />Kubuntu 11.10 Oneiric&nbsp; Ocelot (Linux, KDE SC version 4.7.2)<br />Asus EeePC 1000HE (Atheros AR9K)


      Re: &quot;KMail encountered a fatal error and will terminate now.&quot; Failed to fetch the r

      this has ben descused ...........rite click the Akonaditray icon click configure .......find the section about the mail(forget what it was caled) now just leave it up for a min.

      go to /home/you/.kde/share/apps/kmail2 ......and you will see that thare is no folder named "mail" make one .

      now go back to Akonaditray icon and point it to the folder you just made.........problem solved .


      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
      16GB RAM
      Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


        Re: &quot;KMail encountered a fatal error and will terminate now.&quot; Failed to fetch the r


        You make it sound so simple, however I guess I am too dense to understand. How do I get 'akonaditray' to open. When I click on it, it does not open. When I right-click on the 'akonaditray item' the options are to uninstall or remove from favorites. I am unsure how I would get it back if I removed it.

        I use Synaptic Package Manager; akonaditray does not appear in the applications list.

        I must be frustrating you with my lack of knowledge, however over the past several years, Kmail has worked and this problem has not risen.

        When I Google 'Akonaditray' nothing appears about Akonaditray. On Yahoo search, the first entry is titled. "Freeware Install Akonaditray - Ubuntu 9.10 - Allmyapps with no information on the open page. Then the second entry, akonaditray - There is a Jul 2010 forum entry by a fedora 13 user asking simply the function of akonaditray. A link was provided,

        After reading the explanation of what it is, I, as a newbie, have no understanding of what I read. If I could get it to function properly, I guess it is not important I understand what it does. What it doesn't do, right now, is open when I click on it.

        I created a folder called mail, and put it where you advised. I have no idea what to do now. If you can muster patience with me, what do you recommend next?


          Re: &quot;KMail encountered a fatal error and will terminate now.&quot; Failed to fetch the r

          the akonaditray is in the system tray the arrow to show hiden icons and it should be the top one ....right click it and you should see the options stop Akonadi, make backup, restore backup,and configure

          click configure and point it to the folder you made (I cant remember just how and now that mine is setup and working it dosent show that option any more)

          the error (at least for me) is caused by the mail folder not being thare once created and Akonadi told to use it and Kmail set up it was automaticly populated with the rest of the DIR's it kneaded this.

          vinny@Vinnys-HP-G62:~$ ls ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail2/mail
          drafts inbox outbox sent-mail templates trash
          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
          16GB RAM
          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


            RESOLVED Re: &quot;KMail encountered a fatal error and will terminate now.&quot;

            In trying to solve other problems, I have created a mess that I cannot recover from and am going to have to reinstall without resolving this issue. Thanks for the help. Sorry for any abuse of your time. I am installing Natty instead of Ocelot, too. I am not technically able to handle the problems of an unstable OS.

