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Problem with gufw

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    Problem with gufw

    This is my first install of a firewall. I installed gufw on my Kubuntu Ocelot OS, KDE 4.7.2. I do not know what to expect. I used kdesudo gufw to open the application to configure the firewall, however when opened, gufw appears inactive. The File Menu only has the Quit option active. Log... is greyed out.

    The Edit Menu contains:

    +Add Rule
    - Remove Rule
    Reload Rules
    Reset Rules

    All are greyed out and cannot be accessed.

    The indicators for:


    Appear inactive and are greyed out.

    Nothing is visible in the window under Rules, ie. To, Action, From.

    Never having the application running, I do not know what to expect, however, I assume that I would be able to have choices and configuration available, since this is a Kubuntu application.

    I used Muon Package Manager to install the application. What am I missing? Was it appropriate to open the application in kdesudo gufw? How do I know the application is running? Thanks!

    Re: Problem with gufw

    There appears to be a problem with GUFW - on my wife's netbook (ubuntu 11.04) there is the same problem.

    You can "unlock" this by clicking on the "lock" icon towards the bottom right hand corner of the GUFW window. However, when you close it off for some reason the changes are never saved.

    Contains a discussion about configuring ufw within the KDE network configuration section. It involves compiling a bit of source code but get the software and follow that thread and you ought not to go wrong.
    Find the software at

    Worth a go. Good luck.

