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Shutdown instead of reboot

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    Shutdown instead of reboot

    Hi all.
    I've installed kubuntu 11.10 yesterday and was really surprised - KDE worked fast without any lags that I saw in earlier versions.
    Everything was fine until I tried to reboot my PC (Acer 1825-ptz - tablet-convertible laptop - intel U7300, 3 GB of ram, Intel GMA 4500MHD, 320 GB internal HDD) - it just shutted down instead of rebooting with a short "crack" sound - like HDD stopped suddenly or something like that. I tried to do this few more times - result was always the same.
    Windows 7 installed alongside with kubuntu works fine and reboots with no problems. I never dealt with such problem in previous ubuntu / kubuntu versions.
    And the second important question for me - as I already said, my laptop is tablet-convertible and I use kvkbd virtual keyboard. It works fine, but is it possible to show it when logging in and screen unlocking ?

    Re: Shutdown instead of reboot

    What FS do you use (ext4, btrfs...)

    sudo shutdown -r 0

    * bugfix when started without x running. Confirm working with KDM and --loginhelper option passed (tested in kubuntu)
    Registered Linux User 545823


      Re: Shutdown instead of reboot

      Forgot to mention it.
      I use ext4 file system. Should I try to use different one ?

      UPD. With "kdesudo shutdown -r 0" Laptop begins the reboot process and freezes after 3-4 sec with black screen.


        Re: Shutdown instead of reboot

        Interesting, I don't know what this could be...

        You could try adding the halt flag (-h, I think)
        sudo shutdown -h -r 0
        I use Ext4 on my desktop, I use BtrFS on my laptop; and no prob on either one.
        Registered Linux User 545823


          Re: Shutdown instead of reboot

          kdesudo is for GUI apps that knead to run as dont use it for commands.

          sudo shutdown -r now
          or if no joy try
          sudo reboot
          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
          16GB RAM
          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


            Re: Shutdown instead of reboot

            Ya, thx. wjen I made the first post I was dead tired, the second was morning and OII hadn't waken up yet...
            Registered Linux User 545823


              Re: Shutdown instead of reboot

              Originally posted by jpenguin
              I know you don't use plain sudo for GUI Apps, but I thought it was fine to press Alt+F2 & type 'kdesudo shutdown [ARGS] [INTERGER]'
              you are correct of course IF using the alt>F2 run dialog you must use the kdesudo to get the authorize dialog box .....I saw no reference to alt>F2 ubuve

              so assumed a konsole........... and hear runing it that way (alt>F2) the reboot will stop at shuting down power managment .......A ctrl>alt>delete at this point will resume it.

              i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
              16GB RAM
              Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                Re: Shutdown instead of reboot

                I just tried Alt-F2 'kdesudo shutdown [ARGS] [INT]' and it didd't shutdown all the way, just like if I run 'sudo shutdown 0' over SSH
                Registered Linux User 545823

