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n00b 4l3r7

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    n00b 4l3r7

    ahoy there! Im currently communicating to you from a Sony laptop i purchased band new with vista in 2007(?) The computer was lent to a friend who owes my a few thousand dollars and told me he could install mac OsX but failed to do so... by the time i recovered my computer Kubuntu had been "successfully" installed

    So far i have been enjoying my new OS, the way she starts up so fast and connects to internet with the greatest of ease. It is great on a network i was able to read some essays and play some files. however that being said i have been having problems.

    At first i was having problems with the audio and the wireless... there was some talk online about these issues and i made my first attempt at using bash or terminal whateva and was having some trouble with super user, root whateva in the end im pretty sure i got these things both to work simply by switching my GUI.

    things were good for a while... then i... OMG... purchased some DVDs from a closing blockbuster only to find out they would not play.

    looked online and found some explanations for why and some command lines to get legal DVDs to play

    i entered these lines into "Terminal" and am asked for my password... this is where things get weird. The terminal asks for my password but does not respond to any key stroke other than [Enter]
    i am confused. i do not remember this happening before i switched GUIs
    Does Anyone know why this might be?

    In general i am inexperienced with command lines, don't even know correct directories, but am keen to learn and have no shortage of devices to activate... (microphone etc.)

    in sports news i received Diablo II from a former roomie, i unpacked using terminal and was able to play with wine but when i tried to install AOE III from the disk i run into trouble...

    I hope thats not to wordy for all you komputer folk any help would be much apprieciated

    Re: n00b 4l3r7

    escoba@lickme:~$ suck it
    The program 'suck' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
    sudo apt-get install suck
    escoba@lickme:~$ sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/
    [sudo] password for escoba: 
    Sorry, try again.
    [sudo] password for escoba:


      Re: n00b 4l3r7

      purchased some DVDs from a closing blockbuster only to find out they would not play.
      The best thing is to add the Medibuntu Repository and, from there, get the package: libdvdcss2
      Look here

      i received Diablo II
      It runs. Look here: - Scroll down to "HowTo"

      Tip: You do not need to type commands into the Terminal. Highlight the command written on the web page. Move your cursor anywhere in the Terminal and press your mouse wheel or mouse middle button. Automatic Copy and paste! No spelling mistakes! No Typos! No other errors!

      "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
      "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


        Re: n00b 4l3r7

        yay! thank you for directing me to that repository DVDs are now working... as it turns out i was using the wrong password !0!

        Does anyone know if it is possible to play a microsoft game using wine? like i said i was able to play Diablo II from a package with a no cd crack however i quickly grew tired of slaying quill rats...

        when i try to install AOE III from the original disk the files are not executable. I copied the entire disk into a folder on my desktop and am able to run the install sequence, however, at the point when i have entered the product key from the inside of the box i am told that the PID Generator DLL could not be found in the installation folder. the folder from which i am working contains the file "PidGen.dll" does any one know what is the problem or how can it be solved? these are my concerns.


          Re: n00b 4l3r7

          Information on installing and running windows applications with wine can be found at:

          We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


            Re: n00b 4l3r7

            Try Google: linux [name of game]

            AOE III:

            ...again, scroll down to HOWTO
            "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
            "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


              Re: n00b 4l3r7

              Originally posted by thanksforthesoda
              i entered these lines into "Terminal" and am asked for my password... this is where things get weird. The terminal asks for my password but does not respond to any key stroke other than [Enter]
              i am confused. i do not remember this happening before i switched GUIs
              Does Anyone know why this might be?
              It does respond to keystrokes, but nothing shows up on screen. That way nobody can count the characters if, for example someone is looking over your shoulder. I think that was the idea.
              Just type in your password carefully and press enter.

              I'm assuming those commands that require your password start with 'sudo', right?
              Core 2 Quad Q6600<br />4 GB RAM<br />GeForce 9800 GTX<br />Hitachi Deskstar 1TB<br />Seagate 250 GB<br /><br />Triple-booting Gentoo, Crunchbang &amp; Windows 7

