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Proxy issues

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    Proxy issues

    I'm totally new to proxies, I used tutorials on youtube, and text tutorials on different sites to try to set up a proxy, however I have had no luck, I keep getting a message that says it failed to work, although it takes a few minutes tfor that to pop up. Instead of detailing the many, many steps I have taken to try to get it to work, it might just be easier to get step by step instructions on what to do from someone who knows. At one point while I had my browser attempting to connect to a proxy I also had issues with VLC media player, it simply would not stay open, it would open for a second then shut right down, as soon as I told the browser(chrome) to directly connect to the internet VLC worked fine again.

    As an addendum, I honestly am not to concerned about my surfing habits being observed, however I would like to be untraceable while downloading torrents, I have gone into ktorrent (its what i use i kinda like it) into the proxy setting, set the IP and port of the proxy I want to use, And so far I have no issues with downloads or uploads, however I'm not sure how to know whether it is actually functioning as I think it is. Again I'm very new to this, so go easy in the replies, assume I know NOTHING

    Re: Proxy issues

    A few things.
    One Proxy:

    On which machine will you be installing a proxy. If it is one machine you are dowmloading then the proxy is not going to help you hide what you are downloading.

    For your use you would need to rent a server at hetzner - DONT USE INFINITECH. So when you are downloading everyone will see the external server as the download source at not your home ip.

    THis is also a way to get netflix working if you dont live in the us. Rent a server in the us and setup a proxy then via the internet via the proxy and netflix with think you are in the US.

    As for setting up the proxy i use squid.

    See below steps to get working

    sudo aptitude install squid squid-common
    nano /etc/squid/squid.conf
    acl localnet src #set to your ip range
    http_access allow localnet
    ##if using shorewall transparent setup also config this
    http_port 3128 transparent  ###add the word transparent
    sudo chown -R proxy:proxy /var/log/squid/
    sudo chown proxy:proxy /etc/squid/squid.conf


      Re: Proxy issues

      You might also try Amazon Web Services. You can sign up for a free year, which gives you:
      • 750 hours of Amazon EC2 Linux Micro Instance usage (613 MB of memory and 32-bit and 64-bit platform support) – enough hours to run continuously each month
      • 10 GB of Amazon Elastic Block Storage, plus 1 million I/Os
      • 15 GB of bandwidth out (bandwidth in is unlimited)

      These numbers are per month. If you exceed the monthly storage or bandwidth limits, there will be a charge for that month's overage. Click the link above and then follow other links for the details.

      (Disclaimer: I used to work there. I no longer do, but I'm still of the opinion that AWS has created some amazing stuff.)

