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Could not get lock

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    Could not get lock

    I am having difficulty installing Java.

    I have recently installed Kubuntu 11.10 64 bit on a new 500GB HD, 4GB ram, Intel core2, Dell Inspiron 640m which previously had a HD with MS Vista.

    I have followed an older topic with a similar Subject.

    After 'sudo apt-get install -f', I continue to get
    E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
    E: Unable to lock directory /var/cache/apt/archives/

    I don't think anything other than Terminal is running.

    Re: Could not get lock

    This problem is USUALLY caused by another package management program running at the same time. Only one package program can be running at a time -- the program sets up a lock file that prevents others from running.

    To find out what is happening, when you get this error, try:

    ps aux | grep apt
    ps aux | grep dpkg

    if ither of those give you any results other than grep, you have a running package management program that will prevent others from running.

    It is also possible that a package program has died, without erasing its lock file. See:

    for the fix.
    We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


      Re: Could not get lock

      Thanks for the help.

      I found another package management running. It was the automatic update. After restarting that and waiting for it to complete all is back to normal and I now have both Java and Flash installed.

      Now back to installing more packages; Thunderbird or Evolution? - decisions, decisions!

      I've been using Office 2010

