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Firefox on 11.10 logs me out/ends session.

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    Firefox on 11.10 logs me out/ends session.

    Hi, all,

    So, I'm new to Kubuntu and I'm returning to Linux after an 8-year(-ish) hiatus--I used to use Mandrake back in the day. So far everything has been working great and I'm amazed by how much easier things are now!!

    My problem:

    So, very often when I log in and I immediately click on Firefox (7.0.1) I get logged out. This has only happened with Firefox and it seems not to happen if I wait a few seconds or so, instead of launching the program immediately after logging in. Also, I don't get an error message or a log out confirmation window. This, oddly enough, doesn't happen again after I log back in.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    UPDATE: This is 11.10 64-bit, in case it's important.

    Re: Firefox on 11.10 logs me out/ends session.

    I'm experiencing the same thing if I log out, then back in, and start either Firefox or Thunderbird, I'm immediately logged out. Once I log back in, no problems. This does not happen when logging in after a full restart, only if I logout without restarting. I don't know if Firefox and Thunderbird being non-KDE programs is the issue, but Dolphin, Konversation, Kopete, and other KDE apps do not cause this.

    I've looked at some logs but don't see anything that indicates (to me) the problem.

    I've been running 11.10 since beta1. I think this started after the 11.10 release, but it might just be that was the first time I logged out without restarting.


      Re: Firefox on 11.10 logs me out/ends session.

      That's weird. One thing comes to mind -- even though you have closed out firefox, it might still be running, and causing problems when you log back in.

      Try this:

      Just before you log out, open konsole and type:

      ps aux | grep firefox

      It should give you a line that says "grep firefox", and nothing else. If it gives you anything else, then firefox is still actually running, even though you can't see it. Try:

      pkill firefox

      wait a few seconds, and retry the ps command above. If that doesn't get rid of it, then there is a more serious problem with firefox, and it's almost certainly the cause of the problem.
      We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


        Re: Firefox on 11.10 logs me out/ends session.


        I tried what you mentioned, so, it does seem that Firefox is running in the background.

        ps aux | grep firefox gave me "eldnlr 5033 0.0 0.0 9244 900 pts/1 S+ 10:10 0:00 grep --color=auto firefox"

        Then I did pkill firefox, waited a few seconds, typed the other command, and got the same message from above (with a different time).

        We've narrowed down the problem. Is there a way to make sure that Firefox does close down completely?

        Thanks for your help!


          Re: Firefox on 11.10 logs me out/ends session.

          The process line you saw is just your own grep. As doctordruidphd mentioned, if Firefox was running you would have seen more than one line in the output.

          I've confirmed that it is not running on my end either before I log out.


            Re: Firefox on 11.10 logs me out/ends session.

            One thing I have noticed, and it may be related, is that if I click on pretty much ANYTHING immediately after logging in, the desktop freezes for a few seconds. I then get an error message about krunner not working, and when I clear that message, all is well. I don't get logged out, just a momentary freeze.

            This happens on a fresh startup as well as a re-login. I didn't think anything of it, but it might be related to this. I'm still trying to figure it out.

            We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


              Re: Firefox on 11.10 logs me out/ends session.


              I also checked to make sure that I ``start with an empty session,'' but that also didn't fix it. Also, today it also happened immediately after logging in and before I got to my desktop. Does that give you guys an idea of what it could be?


                Re: Firefox on 11.10 logs me out/ends session.

                Does this happen with other programs, or just FF?

                Might try thunderbird if you have it installed. Or libreoffice, or GIMP (they are all gtk programs, might be a gtk problem).

                Take a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log (and maybe Xorg.0.log.old) as there may be an error message there,

                Edit: try moving ~/.mozilla out of the way as an experiment, there may be a script or extenstion in FF that's actually causing the problem.
                We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking

