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How do I add 'Delete' as an option in the 'Kontact' toolbar?

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    How do I add 'Delete' as an option in the 'Kontact' toolbar?

    I have always wanted 'Delete' as an option in 'Kontact'. For that matter, I have wanted the option in Konqueror too. I expect the solution for the one will be similar to the other as well. I prefer the direct and permanent removal of data, rather than use 'Trash', which is a two step removal from storage. Thanks my guru friends.

    Re: How do I add 'Delete' as an option in the 'Kontact' toolbar?


    In Konqueror

    settings/configure Konqueror/file management/general. Then select the context menu tab and you'll see the "delete" option there to select.

    Don't know about kmail as I don't use it.



      Re: How do I add 'Delete' as an option in the 'Kontact' toolbar?

      Dear Ian,

      Thank you for your reply. I followed your instructions in configuring Konqueror and found that I already had the option checked. Additionally, I had checked "Show 'Copy To' and 'Move To' commands" as well. Nonetheless, neither appear as Icons on Konqueror or Kontact. When I attempt to add the 'Delete' option to Kontact configuration, 'Delete' is not even shown as an option.

      Kmail, on the other hand permits the 'Delete' option, as well as, shows the icon on the Kmail toolbar. There must be something wrong with my OS.

      I finally have reason to need Kontact as opposed to Kmail, so the loss of the option is considerable in my use of my computer. I am one of those who doesn't use 'Trash' unless I have to, as is in the case of Kontact and Konqueror. I also use Dolphin, which permits the 'Delete' feature. I can live with this, however I would prefer not to. The issue is not sufficient to reinstall the OS, if that would solve my problem. I guess I will have to live with it.


        Re: How do I add 'Delete' as an option in the 'Kontact' toolbar?


        I would expect those options to appear in the context menu - that is to say when you right click so when I right click on a file (even on the desktop) I get 2 options - move to wastebin and delete.

        If you want to get the delete option in the dolphin toolbar, try right clicking on the toolbar and and selecting "configure toolbar". You can put a load of entries on there including delete (at least you can in KDE 4.7). Don't know about kmail though but it might be worth trying.

        Hope this helps



          Re: How do I add 'Delete' as an option in the 'Kontact' toolbar?

          This is the first time that Kontact has been a useful tool for me, and I would like to use it instead of Kmail, (which is included in the application).

          I have difficulty understanding the reluctance for certain KDE applications to exclude the Delete option. Not only do I prefer to use 'Delete to Trash', I prefer to not have to confirm my wish. Therefore I enjoy the fact that I can specify not having to confirm my wishes. I would always prefer retaining for use the space used to duplicate and save unwanted data. Where people want and need these capabilities, I don't mind ticking a radio button which permits me to have a 'Delete' option or the cushions they prefer. Giving me the ability to make these choices is one of the reasons I like Linux applications. Every freedom that is kept from me is undesired. I accept these unwanted features, because I am so grateful to have the use of such a basically fine product. Nevertheless, I will only support the total freedom aspect of open source applications, and I suppose resent a bit that others want to make decisions for me. I apologize for the resentment; I am unable to not feel it.

          Having the 'Delete' option is akin to not having to protect for virus' or junk mail or continue to repair a broken OS, like Windows. It is truly a blessing. If it were available, I would click on incoming mail identifying Spam then Delete the junk. I would Delete emails where I did not want the record.

          Thanks for your effort to help on this matter. By the way, I do have the 'Delete' feature in every application where it is an option. I have it in Kmail and Dolphin, and would also like to have it in Kontact and Konqueror. It would be a tremendous work saver in Kontact.

