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Putting Kubuntu, Onto The Partion

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    Putting Kubuntu, Onto The Partion

    Ok I'm a little confused... I have partitioned my C;// and have left myself some space.

    But how do i put, kubuntu, onto that partion..

    Version: 6.06

    Thanks, in Advance for anyone who helps

    Re: Putting Kubuntu, Onto The Partion

    Hi boot from the CD when it gets to the stage of partiitoning and formating your HD it will offer you possable options select the one that suitable.

    Regards John


      Re: Putting Kubuntu, Onto The Partion

      John, do i boot it run live? Click install on live desktop... get to stage 5, then what will be the suitable step?


        Re: Putting Kubuntu, Onto The Partion

        which cd are your using?

        For the desktop CD, simply boot up the CD and click the install icon on the desktop which will guide you through the installation.
        <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


          Re: Putting Kubuntu, Onto The Partion

          Yes I am, using the desktop.

          I took 19 gig, out, and i don't know how to, put kubuntu, onto that partition.


            Re: Putting Kubuntu, Onto The Partion

            Do I Select Continously, Use free space, and put linux in there, and select that?


              Re: Putting Kubuntu, Onto The Partion

              Ok I got to the 6/6 step.


              if you continue the changes listed below will be written to the disk.

              Otherwise you will be able to make further changes manually.


              This will destroy, all data on any partitions you have removed as well, as on the partions that are going to be permanent.

              The following devices are going to be formatted.

              Partition #2 /dev hda1 as ext3

              Partition #5 /devhda as a swap..

              Could someone tell me if i click install I'll be good, or will i reformatt all drives?


              EG WIPE WINDOWS

              Not what I want to do.


                Re: Putting Kubuntu, Onto The Partion

                windows will not be erased if it is in a partition other than hda1 or the swap.


                  Re: Putting Kubuntu, Onto The Partion

                  So beary is that right?


                    Re: Putting Kubuntu, Onto The Partion

                    @Super Josh39
                    Nobody can't say with 100%, is that right because we don't know enough about your machine. How big is your harddisk? Or is there more than one disk?
                    How many partition with Windows? But if you have 19GB empty space on your one single hard disk with Windows, there is no big riskies formatting over Win. And take backups all of your Windows data. And if you choose use free space, everything should be allright.
                    Somebody help me ye, somebody help me now, somebody help me when Im down...

