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FIXED: Locked out of "Try Kubuntu"

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    FIXED: Locked out of "Try Kubuntu"

    I just acquired a Dell Mini 9 netbook with Windows 7 Ultimate installed, and for the time being I've been running Kubuntu 11.04 from an image on a USB stick.

    Lately the "Try Kubuntu" option on the Kubuntu startup screen has started asking me for a login name and password (it's not supposed to do that). Not having same, I am locked out.

    Is there a way to bypass this unwanted login screen?

    See also my previous post on "Wi-Fi Setup in Kubuntu 11.04".

    Re: Locked out of "Try Kubuntu"


    I have not tried this version but all other LIVE versions its

    'Demo' for the login and 'demo' for the password
    'Root' for the lof in and 'root' for the password

    good luck

    P.S. if that does not work try this when the original screen comes up click on install instead of try kubuntu.
    then cancel the install it should default to the live desktop.
    Dave Kubuntu 20.04 Registered Linux User #462608

    Wireless Script:


      Re: Locked out of "Try Kubuntu"

      I'm running a Dell Mini9 with 11.04 on it. Works decent. It doesn't have a high power video card for running some hd video files. But as far as general email/internet music generic games, it works fairly well.

      Install seems to take a while with the solid state hard drive. I have a 16Gb.


        Re: Locked out of "Try Kubuntu"

        I'm starting to suspect that I have a bad USB stick, because the behavior of the install is not repeatable (initially the stick works fine, then it starts asking for a login, then it doesn't boot at all).

        Is there some linux program that I can use to check my PNY 2Gb USB memory stick?


          Re: Locked out of "Try Kubuntu"

          Use GParted to delete the existing partitions, reformat and paritition it, then reinstall Kubuntu as a LiveUSb on it. GParted will report problems it has, if any, with the stick.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Re: FIXED: Locked out of "Try Kubuntu"

            Problem apparently was caused by too small a persistence file. Needed to go to 512 Mb instead of the default 128 Mb.

