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remove bin, boot, cdrom, Desk, dev, etc, etc... form hard drives

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    remove bin, boot, cdrom, Desk, dev, etc, etc... form hard drives

    I am using two 500 GB drives as storage and they both have a lot of extra folders. This has not been an issue but they are getting full and the home folder which is where my data is (as far as I know) is less than 50GB. How can I remove these folders so I can free up space on these drives?

    My OS is not installed on either of these, at lease I dont think it is

    Computer are like air conditioners: they stop working when you open windows!<br /><br />Linux : Because you wouldnt put a Porsche&#39;s engine in a Pinto<br /><br />case : HAF 932<br />mother board: ASUS p5e3<br />processor: Intel e8500 3.16 GHz<br />RAM: 8 GB Corsair DDR3 1600<br />power supply: Corsair 850W<br />video card: GeForce 8400

    Re: remove bin, boot, cdrom, Desk, dev, etc, etc... form hard drives

    Originally posted by jpro6363

    My OS is not installed on either of these, at lease I dont think it is
    First step is to be 100.0% certain of where your OS is installed. In a terminal, run:

    sudo blkid -c /dev/null -o list
    Look under the "mount point" column -- one of your partitions says "/" -- that is your root filesystem. Which drive is it on (look at the "device" column)? Use

    sudo fdisk -l
    if that helps narrow down exactly which drive holds the root filesystem. You have to know for sure.

    Once you are confident that neither of the 500GB drives hold the running filesystem, then you can use "rm" or Dolphin and simply delete the directories that are not needed. Also, assuming you have an ext3 or ext4 filesystem on the 500GB storage drives, you do not need the reserved 5% overhead space. So, for each of them, you can issue:

    sudo tune2fs -m 0 /dev/sdx1
    where "x" is the appropriate drive letter for the drive that holds the filesystem you are adjusting. Don't do this to your root filesystem.


      Re: remove bin, boot, cdrom, Desk, dev, etc, etc... form hard drives

      Should I go buy a RAID controller to setup a RAID 5 Array or could I use a software RAID and accomplish the same thing? These two 500GB Drives I want to at least setup RAID 1 but it would be worth adding another to get RAID 5 Performance. I would like to get this setup before I start removing things and cause myself problems.

      As Always Thanks for Your Help!

      Computer are like air conditioners: they stop working when you open windows!<br /><br />Linux : Because you wouldnt put a Porsche&#39;s engine in a Pinto<br /><br />case : HAF 932<br />mother board: ASUS p5e3<br />processor: Intel e8500 3.16 GHz<br />RAM: 8 GB Corsair DDR3 1600<br />power supply: Corsair 850W<br />video card: GeForce 8400


        Re: remove bin, boot, cdrom, Desk, dev, etc, etc... form hard drives

        First off, RAID1 or RAID5 will not improve performance. RAID5 will somewhat if you get four or more drives involved, but performance gains are not the intention of RAID1 or 5. RAID1 will definitely degrade performance. RAID0 is for performance.

        True Hardware RAID involves:
        A) Cash, at least several hundred dollars.
        B) Setup and compatibility issues - make sure there are current and maintained linux drivers available.
        C) Boot issues. Many hardware RAID controllers won't boot easily will all motherboards.
        D) Recoverability. If your RAID controller dies, good luck getting your data back unless you can find an exact replacement.

        "Fake" RAID - aka Motherboard BIOS based RAID has all the problems of the above (minus the Cash) and is even more likely to be incompatible with linux.

        Linux software RAID:
        A) Doesn't cost anything.
        B) Is not compatible with Windows.
        C) Takes only a few minutes to setup and use.
        D) If your motherboard dies, you can install the Linux RAID disks into any computer, activate RAID and all your data is available.

        I suspect at this point you know where I am headed...

        Since you're dipping into RAID for the first time, why don't you detail what you're thinking of doing so we can guide you the right direction?

        Please Read Me


          Re: remove bin, boot, cdrom, Desk, dev, etc, etc... form hard drives

          Well when I first built this machine I did run RAID 0 on it, but because I have made so many changes to it now I have my OS on a 160GB drive an my data on the 500GB's. I want some redundancy either with a Mirrored RAID or a Striped RAID. From what I know the RAID 5 with 3 Drives has better performance than RAID 1 "Mirrored" correct? Regardless I would like some redundancy, I am debating weather I want to put together a NAS here with one of the boxes I have laying around or just wait until I can afford the hardware I want for my centOS Server I have in the plans.

          Thanks for your advice!

          Computer are like air conditioners: they stop working when you open windows!<br /><br />Linux : Because you wouldnt put a Porsche&#39;s engine in a Pinto<br /><br />case : HAF 932<br />mother board: ASUS p5e3<br />processor: Intel e8500 3.16 GHz<br />RAM: 8 GB Corsair DDR3 1600<br />power supply: Corsair 850W<br />video card: GeForce 8400


            Re: remove bin, boot, cdrom, Desk, dev, etc, etc... form hard drives

            Originally posted by jpro6363
            Well when I first built this machine I did run RAID 0 on it, but because I have made so many changes to it now I have my OS on a 160GB drive an my data on the 500GB's. I want some redundancy either with a Mirrored RAID or a Striped RAID. From what I know the RAID 5 with 3 Drives has better performance than RAID 1 "Mirrored" correct? Regardless I would like some redundancy, I am debating weather I want to put together a NAS here with one of the boxes I have laying around or just wait until I can afford the hardware I want for my centOS Server I have in the plans.

            Thanks for your advice!

            Yes, RAID5 with 3 drives will be somewhat better speed than RAID1, but not in the ballpark of RAID0.

            There's a few misconceptions floating around here - striping (RAID0) is no reducancy, mirrored (RAID1) is 100% reduncancy, RAID5 is metadata parity based error checking which is some protection against loss, but it's not 100% redundancy. RAID5 loses speed due to latency from the parity checks and BTW, 3 drives is the minimum for RAID5.

            RAID1 causes a small speed loss as does RAID5. Both suffer more or less depending on what you're doing - lots of small writes or a few large ones for example.

            You can do a RAID1+0 with four partitions and 2 drives, but you loose a percentage of the RAID0 speed benefits.

            Point is, it boils down to your wants/needs. If you need your data to be 100% recoverable, RAID1 does that but so does a good backup setup. If you want more speed RAID0 does that. IMO RAID5 is not really a good option for you at this point because you've only three drives assuming you involve the 160GB as well - if not RAID5 is not an option at all. Also, never forget with RAID0 or 5 your odds of data loss due to drive failure is an exponential increase. 2 drives=failure twice as likely, 3 drives= you get the picture.

            Another option you likely haven't considered because you've probably never heard of it is btrfs - "Butter File System." It's still under development, but dibl and I have been using it for a year or so with no issues. Search this forum for our posts about it.

            Back to the RAID: Before btrfs, I used RAID0 for my OS install with no backup because it just ain't that hard to re-install and RAID5 (four drives) for data. Now I use btrfs with three drives and I'm very happy with the performance and data security (I backup too).

            May I ask why centOS for server? - Ubuntu Server 10.04.3 LTS is doing fine over here - just curious...

            Please Read Me


              Re: remove bin, boot, cdrom, Desk, dev, etc, etc... form hard drives

              Well it sounds like I really just need RAID 1. All I am concerned about is redundancy, I want my data safe. I do backup to an external drive right now am do plan on setting up a NAS one day. I wanted to setup the centOS Server for something I can play with while working on my RHCSA Certification. Now I am focused on MCSA, one more test then I plan to work towards Red Hat since I really want to be involved & work with Linux over Microsoft. Side note I just bought my 10 year old Acer Aspire net-book that I I am setting up a dual boot with Kubuntu so she gets exposure to more than windows. I have thought about Linux Mint what are your thoughts?
              Thanks for your willingness to help and share your knowledge! That's one of my biggest attractions to Linux is the community of people that are there to work with and help each other!!!
              Computer are like air conditioners: they stop working when you open windows!<br /><br />Linux : Because you wouldnt put a Porsche&#39;s engine in a Pinto<br /><br />case : HAF 932<br />mother board: ASUS p5e3<br />processor: Intel e8500 3.16 GHz<br />RAM: 8 GB Corsair DDR3 1600<br />power supply: Corsair 850W<br />video card: GeForce 8400


                Re: remove bin, boot, cdrom, Desk, dev, etc, etc... form hard drives

                That's one of my biggest attractions to Linux is the community of people that are there to work with and help each other!!!
                I agree - and without cost, too.

                I have Kubuntu on my 8-year old's laptop and Mint-KDE on my wife's. Neither one of them does much other than internet and small games.

                My wife just wants it to work and my daughter has learned how to download photos and change her desktop.

                Look into setting up DansGuardian for your kid's computer and I also use a host file that is very restrictive - at least until she figures out a way around that!

                Please Read Me


                  Re: remove bin, boot, cdrom, Desk, dev, etc, etc... form hard drives


                  I'm here at work and I am trying to track down recently made log files on a Linux server with a couple of TB of data.

                  Without knowing the name of the files, how would I search for files created in the last couple of days?

                  I am basically looking for the Linux equivalent of Windows search on files created/changed in a specific date range.

                  Any suggestions?

                  As Always Thanks for your help!
                  Computer are like air conditioners: they stop working when you open windows!<br /><br />Linux : Because you wouldnt put a Porsche&#39;s engine in a Pinto<br /><br />case : HAF 932<br />mother board: ASUS p5e3<br />processor: Intel e8500 3.16 GHz<br />RAM: 8 GB Corsair DDR3 1600<br />power supply: Corsair 850W<br />video card: GeForce 8400


                    Re: remove bin, boot, cdrom, Desk, dev, etc, etc... form hard drives

                    Simplest is find with -mtime option.

                    In a terminal;

                    find -mtime -7

                    would list all files 7 days old or newer.

                    You can restrict output a bit further with directory and type options like;

                    find /var/log -type f -mtime -7

                    would list files only (not directories) under /var/log that are 7 days old or newer.

                    Please Read Me


                      Re: remove bin, boot, cdrom, Desk, dev, etc, etc... form hard drives

                      Thank You!!!
                      Computer are like air conditioners: they stop working when you open windows!<br /><br />Linux : Because you wouldnt put a Porsche&#39;s engine in a Pinto<br /><br />case : HAF 932<br />mother board: ASUS p5e3<br />processor: Intel e8500 3.16 GHz<br />RAM: 8 GB Corsair DDR3 1600<br />power supply: Corsair 850W<br />video card: GeForce 8400

