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How do I join 2 vob files, and what application should I use?

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    How do I join 2 vob files, and what application should I use?

    Kubuntu Natty 64bit KDE 4.6.2

    The following is a response to an ubuntu forums post instructing how to join 2 .vob files. It was posted January 5, 2010:

    it's simple, use cat:
    file1.vob file2.vob cat ... fileN.vob > fileUNICO.vob fileN.vob> fileUNICO.vob

    Here is how I tried to apply the instruction. Please tell me how I erred? I have never before used 'cat' or joined .vob files.

    root@yeshuah:/SG1/SG-1# 1"Children of the gods I".vob 1 "Children of the gods II".vob 1 "Children of the gods III".vob 1 "Children of the gods IIII".vob 1 "Children of the gods".vob fileUNICO.vob

    This particular episode of Stargate SG1 contained 4 vob files, the first 3 contained 1gb data each., the 4th contained 923.5mb of data. I copied all episodes and put them on my hard drive. To keep the episodes in order, I numbered them. That is why each portion of this episode is preceded by the number 1. I only mention this because it was a means to have the episodes play in order once they were installed on my computer. I include the comment in case it affects copying of the episodes.


    Re: How do I join 2 vob files, and what application should I use?

    That's not quite right.

    As a general rule, if you want to join 2 files, it would be:

    cat file1 file2 >file3

    for further information on the cat command:

    info coreutils cat invocation

    From your example, it isn't clear to me what the file names are. I'm just guessing:

    cat "Children of the gods 1.vob" "Children of the gods II.vob" "Children of the gods III.vob" "Children of the gods IIII.vob" >fileUNICO.vob

    This will concatenate the named files into a file called fileUNICO.vob. And it will do it in that order. I think part of the problem is you did not enclose the complete file name, including the .vob part, in the quote marks.

    We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


      Re: How do I join 2 vob files, and what application should I use?

      I like to use avidemux. VOB is just an mpeg file. You can drag and drop the files on to the avidemux window and then "save as". It will stitch them together.
      Klaatu Barada Nikto


        Re: How do I join 2 vob files, and what application should I use?

        [quote=doctordruidphd ]
        That's not quite right.

        As a general rule, if you want to join 2 files, it would be:

        cat file1 file2 >file3

        for further information on the cat command:

        info coreutils cat invocation

        From your example, it isn't clear to me what the file names are. I'm just guessing:

        cat "Children of the gods 1.vob" "Children of the gods II.vob" "Children of the gods III.vob" "Children of the gods IIII.vob" >fileUNICO.vob

        This will concatenate the named files into a file called fileUNICO.vob. And it will do it in that order. I think part of the problem is you did not enclose the complete file name, including the .vob part, in the quote marks.

        Dear doctordruidphd,

        Here is a copy of my command entry:

        steven@yeshuah:/SG1/SG-1$ cat "Children of the gods I.vob" "Children of the gods II.vob" "Children of the gods III.vob" "Children of the gods IIII.vob" >fileUNICO.vob
        cat: Children of the gods I.vob: No such file or directory
        cat: Children of the gods II.vob: No such file or directory
        cat: Children of the gods III.vob: No such file or directory
        cat: Children of the gods IIII.vob: No such file or directory
        steven@yeshuah:/SG1/SG-1$ ^C
        steven@yeshuah:/SG1/SG-1$ cd /SG1/SG-1
        steven@yeshuah:/SG1/SG-1$ ^C
        steven@yeshuah:/SG1/SG-1$ cd /SG1/SG-1
        steven@yeshuah:/SG1/SG-1$ ^C
        steven@yeshuah:/SG1/SG-1$ cd /SG1/SG-1
        steven@yeshuah:/SG1/SG-1$ ^C
        steven@yeshuah:/SG1/SG-1$ cd /SG1/SG-1

        It did not work; I don't understand the command line explanation. (I purchased a collectible series of Stargate SG1 that I want to preserve value as a collectible. It is the reason for making my movie files. I believe they were DVD's because of the size, however it looks like they are ID'd as CD's. I have the files saved exactly as they are shown in the cat command. I renamed them so that they fit your suggestion. Additionally, if I wanted the final copy just indicated as "Children of the gods.vob" could that be used in place of fileUNICO.vob? Also, a couple of the ripped episodes change to another language when played using VLC but play in English when using Xine. Is this editable to fix that problem? One of them plays the episode with criticism by the Director, which is also cured by using Xine instead of VLC. I prever VLC because of the finish quality and the fact that I do not have to unmute the volume with the change from episode to episode.)

        Thank You.


          Re: How do I join 2 vob files, and what application should I use?

          Originally posted by 67GTA
          I like to use avidemux. VOB is just an mpeg file. You can drag and drop the files on to the avidemux window and then "save as". It will stitch them together.
          If I use this for a solution, do I change the filename from ".vob" to "mpg" prior to entering the command? Are you suggesting a GUI or Commandline effort?

          Thank you.


            Re: How do I join 2 vob files, and what application should I use?

            As I said, I'm not sure what your file names really are, you would have to determine that using the ls command.

            Edit: you can change the output file name to whatever you want.

            Change to the directory where your files are, and post the output of the ls command.

            Edit: Not sure about the changing languages, etc. I don't have much experience with video files, sorry.
            We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


              Re: How do I join 2 vob files, and what application should I use?

              Avidemux has a GUI interface. You don't have to rename the VOB files. Avidemux will recognize them as mpeg when you drag and drop them. When you save the finished (joined) file, you can name it whatever you want at that point. It will have a save dialog. Most video camera companies name the files like this to try and force you to use their included software to render them.
              Klaatu Barada Nikto


                Re: How do I join 2 vob files, and what application should I use?

                Originally posted by doctordruidphd
                As I said, I'm not sure what your file names really are, you would have to determine that using the ls command.

                Edit: you can change the output file name to whatever you want.

                Change to the directory where your files are, and post the output of the ls command.

                Edit: Not sure about the changing languages, etc. I don't have much experience with video files, sorry.
                I have my Stargate SG1 episodes on a separate HDD. When I open 'Dolphin' and in the left column my drives and partitions are shown. The one for Stargate episodes appears as follows: /SG-1, I suspect that is where I have my problem. When trying to cat the film, I locate it by clicking on that link, then SG1 and the location of all my episodes is open. I have the terminal ticked from the Dolphin application, so I believe I am in the correct directory. Nonetheless, using the command as you recommend, I get the error I previously posted. Is this my problem?


                  Re: How do I join 2 vob files, and what application should I use?

                  That should put you in the correct directory. I suspect the problem is with the file names.
                  Open a terminal using the steps you gave, type ls and post the output.
                  We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


                    Re: How do I join 2 vob files, and what application should I use?

                    Thanks for your patience my friend. The Directory ls is as follows:

                    steven@yeshuah:~$ ^C
                    steven@yeshuah:~$ cd /SG1
                    steven@yeshuah:/SG1$ ^C
                    steven@yeshuah:/SG1$ cd /SG1/SG-1
                    steven@yeshuah:/SG1/SG-1$ ls
                    100 "48 hours II" .vob 19 "There But for the Grace of GOD III" .vob
                    100 "48 Hours I" .vob 19 "There But for the Grace of GOD II" .vob
                    101 "Summit II" .vob 19 "There But for the Grace of GOD I" .vob
                    101 "Summit I" .vob 200 "Company of Thieves II" .vob
                    102 "Last Stand II" .vob 200 "Company of Thieves I" .vob
                    102 "Last Stand I" .vob 201 "The Quest II" .vob
                    103 "Fail Safe II" .vob 201 "The Quest I" .vob
                    103 "Fail Safe I" .vob 202 "The Quest IIII" .vob
                    104 "The Warrior II" .vob 202 "The Quest III" .vob
                    104 "The Warrior I" .vob 203 "Line in the Sand II" .vob
                    105 "Menace II" .vob 203 "Line in the Sand I" .vob
                    105 "Menace I" .vob 204 "The Road Not Taken II" .vob
                    106 "The Sentinel II" .vob 204 "The Road Not Taken I" .vob
                    106 "The Sentinel I" .vob 205 "The Shroud II" .vob
                    107 "Meridian II" .vob 205 "The Shroud I" .vob
                    107 "Meridian I" .vob 206 "Bounty II" .vob
                    108 "Revelations II" .vob 206 "Bounty I" .vob
                    108 "Revelations I" .vob 207 "Bad Guys II" .vob
                    109 "Redemption II" .vob 207 "Bad Guys I" .vob
                    109 "Redemption I" .vob 208 "Talion II" .vob
                    10 "Bloodlines II" .vob 208 "Talion I" .vob
                    10 "Bloodlines I" .vob 209 "Family Ties II" .vob
                    110 "Redemption IIII" .vob 209 "Family Ties I" .vob
                    110 "Redemption III" .vob 20 "Politics III" .vob
                    111 "Descent II" .vob 20 "Politics II" .vob
                    111 "Descent I" .vob 20 "Politics I" .vob
                    112 "Frozen II" .vob 210 "Dominion II".vob
                    112 "Frozen I" .vob 210 "Dominion I" .vob
                    113 "Nightwalkers II" .vob 211 "Unending II" .vob
                    113 "Nightwalkers I" .vob 211 "Unending I" .vob
                    114 "Abyss II" .vob 21 "Within the Serpent's Grasp III" .vob
                    114 "Abyss I" .vob 21 "Within the Serpent's Grasp II" .vob
                    115 "Shadow Play II" .vob 21 "Within the Serpent's Grasp I" .vob
                    115 "Shadow Play I" .vob 22 "The Serpent's Lair II" .vob
                    116 "The Other Guys II" .vob 22 "The Serpent's Lair I" .vob
                    116 "The Other Guys I' .vob 23 "In the Line of Duty II" .vob
                    117 "Allegiance II" .vob 23 "In the Line of Duty I" .vob
                    117 "Allegiance I" .vob 24 "Prisoners II" .vob
                    118 "Cure II" .vob 24 "Prisoners I" .vob
                    118 "Cure I" .vob 25 "The Gamekeeper II" .vob
                    119 "Prometheus II" .vob 25 "The Gamekeeper I" .vob
                    119 "Prometheus I" .vob 26 "Need II" .vob
                    11 "Fire and Water II" .vob 26 "Need I" .vob
                    11 "Fire and Water I" .vob 27 "Thor's Chariot II" .vob
                    120 "Unnatural Selection II" .vob 27 "Thor's Chariot I" .vob
                    120 "Unnatural Selection I" .vob 28 "Message in a Bottle II" .vob
                    121 "Sight Unseen II" .vob 28 "Message in a Bottle I" .vob
                    121 "Sight Unseen I" .vob 29 "Family II" .vob
                    122 "Smoke and Mirrors II" .vob 29 "Family I" .vob
                    122 "Smoke and Mirrors I" .vob 2 "The Enemy Within II.vob"
                    123 "Paradise Lost II" .vob 2 "The Enemy Within I .vob"
                    123 "Paradise Lost I" .vob 30 "Secrets II" .vob
                    124 "Metamorphosis II" .vob 30 "Secrets I" .vob
                    124 "Metamorphosis I" .vob 31 "Bane II" .vob
                    125 "Disclosure II" .vob 31 "Bane I" .vob
                    125 "Disclosure I" .vob 32 "The Tok'ra II" .vob
                    126 "Forsaken II" .vob 32 "The Tok'ra I" .vob
                    126 "Forsaken I" .vob 33 "Spirits II" .vob
                    127 "The Changeling II" .vob 33 "Spirits I" .vob
                    127 "The Changeling I" .vob 34 "Touchstone II" .vob
                    128 "Mimento II" .vob 34 "Touchstone I" .vob
                    128 "Mimento I" .vob 35 "A Matter of Time II" .vob
                    129 "Prophecy II" .vob 35 "A Matter of Time I" .vob
                    129 "Prophecy I" .vob 36 "The Fifth Race II" .vob
                    12 "The Nox II" .vob 36 "The Fifth Race I" .vob
                    12 "The Nox I" .vob 37 "Serpent's Song II" .vob
                    130 "Full Circle II" .vob 37 "Serpent's Song I" .vob
                    130 "Full Circle I" .vob 38 "Holiday II" .vob
                    131 "Fallen II" .vob 38 "Holiday I" .vob
                    131 "Fallen I" .vob 39 "One False Step II" .vob
                    132 "Homecoming II" .vob 39 "One False Step I" .vob
                    132 "Homecoming I" .vob 3 "Emancipation II" .vob
                    133 "Fragile Balance II.vob 3 "Emancipation I" .vob
                    133 "Fragile Balance I" .vob 40 "Show and Tell II" .vob
                    134 "Orpheus II" .vob 40 "Show and Tell I" .vob
                    134 "Orpheus I" .vob 41 "1969 II" .vob
                    135 "Revisions II" .vob 41 "1969 I" .vob
                    135 "Revisions I" .vob 42 "Out of Mind II" .vob
                    136 "Lifeboat II" .vob 42 "Out of Mind I" .vob
                    136 "Lifeboat I" .vob 43 "Into the Fire II" .vob
                    137 "Enemy Mine II" .vob 43 "Into the Fire I" .vob
                    137 "Enemy Mine I" .vob 44 "Seth II" .vob
                    138 "Space Race II" .vob 44 "Seth I" .vob
                    138 "Space Race I" .vob 45 "Fair Game II" .vob
                    139 "Avenger 2.0 II" xineToPlay.vob 45 "Fair Game I" .vob
                    139 "Avenger 2.0 I" .vob 46 "Legacy II" .vob
                    13 "Hathor II" .vob 46 "Legacy I" .vob
                    13 "Hathor I" .vob 47 "Learning Curve II" .vob
                    140 "Birthright II" .vob 47 "Learning Curve I" .vob
                    140 "Birthright I" .vob 48 "Point of View II" .vob
                    141 "Evolution I" .vob 48 "Point of View I" .vob
                    142 "Evolution IIII" .vob 49 "Deadman Switch II" .vob
                    142 "Evolution III" .vob 49 "Deadman Switch I" .vob
                    143 "Grace II" .vob 4 "The Broca Divide II".vob
                    143 "Grace I" .vob 4 "The Broca Divide I" .vob
                    144 "Fallout II" .vob 50 "Demons II" .vob
                    144 "Fallout I" .vob 50 "Demons I" .vob
                    145 "Chimera II" .vob 51 "Rules of Engagement II" .vob
                    145 "Chimera I" .vob 51 "Rules of Engagement I" .vob
                    146 "Death Knell II" .vob 52 "Forever in a Day II" .vob
                    146 "Death Knell I" .vob 52 "Forever in a Day I" .vob
                    147 Heroes II" .vob 53 "Past and Present II" .vob
                    147 "Heroes I" .vob 53 "Past and Present I" .vob
                    148 "Heroes IIII" .vob 54 "Jolinar's Memories II" .vob
                    148 "Heroes III" .vob 54 "Jolinar's Memories I" .vob
                    149 "Resurrection II" .vob 55 "The Devil You Know II" .vob
                    149 "Resurrection I" .vob 55 "The Devil You Know I" .vob
                    14 "Cor-Ai II" .vob 56 "Foothold II" .vob
                    14 "Cor-Ai I" .vob 56 "Foothold I" .vob
                    150 "Inaguration II" .vob 57 "Pretense II" .vob
                    150 "Inaguration I" .vob 57 "Pretense I" .vob
                    151 "Lost City III" .vob 58 "Urgo II" .vob
                    151 "Lost City II" .vob 58 "urgo I" .vob
                    151 "Lost City I" .vob 59 "A Hundred Days II" .vob
                    152 "New Order II" .vob 59 "A Hundred Days I" .vob
                    152 "New Order I" .vob 5 "The First Commandment II" .vob
                    153 "New Order IIII" .vob 5 "The First Commandment I" .vob
                    153 "New Order III" .vob 60 "Shades of Grey I" .vob
                    154 "Lockdown II" .vob 60 "Shades of Grey" .vob
                    154 "Lockdown I" .vob 61 "New Ground II" .vob
                    155 "Zero Hour II".vob 61 "New Ground I" .vob
                    155 " Zero Hour I" .vob 62 "Maternal Instinct II" .vob
                    156 "Icon II" .vob 62 "Maternal Instinct I" .vob
                    156 "Icon I" .vob 63 "Crystal Skull II" .vob
                    157 "Avatar II" .vob 63 "Crystal Skull I" .vob
                    157 "Avatar I" .vob 64 "Nemesis II" .vob
                    158 "Affinity II" .vob 64 "Nemesis I" .vob
                    158 "Affinity I" .vob 65 "Small Victories II" .vob
                    159 "Covenant II" .vob 65 "Small Victories I" .vob
                    159 "Covenant I" .vob 66 "The Other Side II" .vob
                    15 "Singularity II" .vob 66 "The Other Side I" .vob
                    15 "Singularity I" .vob 67 "Upgrades II" .vob
                    164 "It's Good to Be King II" .vob 67 "Upgrades I" .vob
                    164 "It's Good to Be King I" .vob 68 "Crossroads II" .vob
                    165 "Full Alert II" .vob 68 "Crossroads I" .vob
                    165 "Full Alert I" .vob 69 "Divide and Conqueror II" .vob
                    166 "Citizen Joe II" .vob 69 "Divide and Conqueror I" .vob
                    166 "Citizen Joe I" .vob 6a "Brief Candle I" .vob
                    167 "Reckoning II" .vob 6b "Brief Candle II" .vob
                    167 "Reckoning I" .vob 70 "Window of Opportunity II" .vob
                    168 "Reckoning IIII".vob 70 "Window of Opportunity I" .vob
                    168 "Reckoning III".vob 71 "Watergate II" .vob
                    169 "Threads III" .vob 71 "Watergate I" .vob
                    169 "Threads II" .vob 72 "The First Ones II" .vob
                    169 "Threads I" .vob 72 "The First Ones I" .vob
                    16 "Enigma II" .vob 73 "Scorched Earth II" .vob
                    16 "Enigma I" .vob 73 "Scorched Earth I" .vob
                    170 "Mobius II" .vob 74 "Beneath the Surface II" .vob
                    170 "Mobius I" .vob 74 "Beneath the Surface I" .vob
                    171 "Mobius IIII" .vob 75 "Point of No Return II" .vob
                    171 "Mobius III" .vob 75 "Point of No Return I" .vob
                    172 "Avalon II" .vob 76 "Tangent II" .vob
                    172 "Avalon I" .vob 76 "Tangent I" .vob
                    173 "Avalon IIII" .vob 77 "The Curse II" .vob
                    173 "Avalon III" .vob 77 "The Curse I" .vob
                    174 "Origin II" .vob 78 "The Serpent's Venom II" .vob
                    174 "Origin I" .vob 78 "The Serpent's Venom I" .vob
                    175 "The Ties That Bind II" .vob 79 "Chain Reaction II" .vob
                    175 "The Ties That Bind I".vob 79 "Chain Reaction I" .vob
                    176 "The Powers That Be II" .vob 7 "Cold Lazarus II" .vob
                    176 "The Powers That Be I" .vob 7 "Cold Lazarus I" .vob
                    177 "Beachhead II" .vob 80 "2010 II" .vob
                    177 "Beachhead I" .vob 80 "2010 I" .vob
                    178 "Ex Deus Machina II" .vob 81 "Absolute Power II" .vob
                    178 "Ex Deus Machina I" .vob 81 "Absolute Power I" .vob
                    179 "BabylonII" .vob 82 "The Light II" .vob
                    179 "Babylon I" .vob 82 "The Light I" .vob
                    17 "The Man II" .vob 83 "Prodegy II" .vob
                    17 "The Man I" .vob 83 "Prodegy I" .vob
                    180 "Prototype II" .vob 84 "Entity II" .vob
                    180 "Prototype I" .vob 84 "Entity I" .vob
                    181 "The Fourth Horseman II" .vob 85 "Double Jeopardy II" .vob
                    181 "The Fourth Horseman I" .vob 85 "Double Jeopardy I" .vob
                    182 "The Fourth Horseman IIII" .vob 86 "Exodus II" .vob
                    182 "The Fourth Horseman III" .vob 86 "Exodus I" .vob
                    183 "Collateral Damage II" .vob 87 "Enemies II" .vob
                    183 "Collateral Damage I" .vob 87 "Enemies I" .vob
                    184 "Ripple Effect II" .vob 88 "Threshold II" .vob
                    184 "Ripple Effect I" .vob 88 "Threshold I" .vob
                    185 "Stronghold II" .vob 89 "Ascension II" .vob
                    185 "Stronghold I" .vob 89 "Ascension I" .vob
                    186 "Ethon II" .vob 8 "Thor's Hammer II" .vob
                    186 "Ethon I" .vob 8 "Thor's Hammer I" .vob
                    187 "Off the Grid II" .vob 90 "The Fifth Man II" .vob
                    187 "Off the Grid I" .vob 90 "The Fifth Man I" .vob
                    188 "The Scourge II" .vob 91 "Red Sky II" .vob
                    188 "The Scourge I" .vob 91 "Red Sky I" .vob
                    189 "Arthur's Mantle II" .vob 92 "Rite of Passage II" .vob
                    189 "Arthur's Mantle I" .vob 92 "Rite of Passage I" .vob
                    18 "Solitudes II" .vob 93 "Beast of Burden II" .vob
                    18 "Solitudes I" .vob 93 "Beast of Burden I" .vob
                    190 "Crusade II" .vob 94 "The Tomb II" .vob
                    190 "Crusade I" .vob 94 "The Tomb I" .vob
                    191 "Camelot II" .vob 95 "Between Two Fires II" .vob
                    191 "Camelot I" .vob 95 "Between Two Fires I" .vob
                    192 "Flesh and Blood II" .vob 96 "2001 II" .vob
                    192 "Flesh and Blood I" .vob 96 "2001 I" .vob
                    193 "Morpheus II" .vob 97 "Desparate Measures II" .vob
                    193 "Morpheus I" .vob 97 "Desparate Measures I" .vob
                    194 "The Pegasus Project II" .vob 98 "Wormhole X-treme II" .vob
                    194 "The Pegasus Project I" .vob 98 "Wormhole X-treme I" .vob
                    195 "Insiders II" .vob 99 "Proving Ground II" .vob
                    195 "Insiders I" .vob 99 "Proving Ground I" .vob
                    196 "Uninvited II" .vob 9 "The Torment of Tantilus II" .vob
                    196 "Uninvited I" .vob 9 "The Torment of Tantilus I" .vob
                    197 "200 II" .vob "Children of the gods IIII.vob"
                    197 "200 I" .vob "Children of the gods III.vob"
                    198 "Counterstrike II" .vob "Children of the gods II.vob"
                    198 "Counterstrike I" .vob "Children of the gods I.vob"
                    199 "Mimento Mori II" .vob fileUNICO.vob
                    199 "Mimento Mori I" .vob The


                      Re: How do I join 2 vob files, and what application should I use?

                      Hmm, I see one problem right away. Did you rip these files with Windows, or something other than linux?

                      Quote marks are not legal in linux file names, so you will not be able to manipulate those files with text commands. You have basically two choices:

                      1. Do as 67GTA suggests, and drag-and-drop the files from dolphin into avidemux. I can't really help with that, because I am not familiar with that program.

                      2. detox the file names so linux can manipulate them. One way to do this is using the detox utility, but the results may be unpredictable. The other option is to rename them using dolphin. Right click on the file, choose rename, and rename it something that does not have spaces or quote marks. Underscores _ and dashes - are legal in linux file names. Then you will be able to cat the files. However, I should mention that if you have other programs that have built databases of these files, you may have to rescan the directory for them to be found.
                      We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


                        Re: How do I join 2 vob files, and what application should I use?

                        could the parentheses be causing issues here? (my cli file management foo is not strong)

                        avidemux makes things so easy, I do second it's recommendation

                        **hehe** I figured someone else might get to it first


                          Re: How do I join 2 vob files, and what application should I use?

                          Krename might handle them

                          Please Read Me


                            Re: How do I join 2 vob files, and what application should I use?

                            Originally posted by oshunluvr
                            Krename might handle them
                            Thanks for the advice my friend, but perhaps you could tell me how to rename this example: Children_of_the_gods_I.vob. It is my last effort to rename. Avidemux opens without a window to drag items to; do you know how to use Avidemux? How do I create a suitable file for dragging and dropping video segments?

                            There are four segments to this movie; I, II, III, IIII. How would you enter an appropriate comand using Children of the gods I, II, III, and IIII.

                            Is this correct? cat Children_of_the_gods_I.vob Children_of_the_gods_II.vob Children_of_the_gods_III.vob Children_of_the_gods_IIII.vob >Children_of_the_gods.vob

                            Correct please if it is close to right, and thanks!


                              Re: How do I join 2 vob files, and what application should I use?

                              You might want to take a look at OMGRip - it's available for installation from your package manager.
                              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

