I am looking to implement full time, on access, anti-malware / anti-virus / anti-badstuff on my new 11.04 system. (Please, let's not get into why, only the how. Why has been endlessly discussed elsewhere.)
Traditionally that has been dazuko, which has always been problematic to implement, and in any case is no longer maintained. It's approach makes sense, at least for the times. Now, with user / installable file systems, perhaps there's another viable approach - I don't know enough about fuse (?) to be able to make that statement with certainty. Not to say other experts can't make that statement.
The other approach to this appears to be clamfs - for which I can find very little or no documentation. There appears to be some other alternate file systems, most appear to depend upon dazuko and/or are also no longer maintained.
So, first:
- most appropriate way to go about this? (Not doing so is not an answer.)
[on access, starting from root, on down.]
- links towards those ways?
Second, it seems intuitive to set the root for scanning to be /. I'm a little leery of this, or of even installing, examining, and uninstalling if appropriate - I'd rather do some up front research, and see documentation that this approach is reasonable, first.
It seems to me potentially problematic to set the root as / in terms of root owned files (problem if fingers dipped into the bits, even if only temporarily), let alone non-files such as everything in /dev. Let alone file renames / remappings / temporary names, etc., if that's what happens with use of clamfs. (If I can see such use cases, or documentation that clamfs knows how to intelligently handle all this stuff, not go down device or links paths, etc., I'm good to go.)
(Admittedly, I'm groping for understanding, search terms, and vaguely remembered knowledge bits from long enough ago that I'm not getting anywhere useful in google searches in any reasonable time frame.)
So - pointing clamfs at / OK?
Thoughts, pointers, suggestions, gotchas?
Traditionally that has been dazuko, which has always been problematic to implement, and in any case is no longer maintained. It's approach makes sense, at least for the times. Now, with user / installable file systems, perhaps there's another viable approach - I don't know enough about fuse (?) to be able to make that statement with certainty. Not to say other experts can't make that statement.
The other approach to this appears to be clamfs - for which I can find very little or no documentation. There appears to be some other alternate file systems, most appear to depend upon dazuko and/or are also no longer maintained.
So, first:
- most appropriate way to go about this? (Not doing so is not an answer.)
[on access, starting from root, on down.]
- links towards those ways?
Second, it seems intuitive to set the root for scanning to be /. I'm a little leery of this, or of even installing, examining, and uninstalling if appropriate - I'd rather do some up front research, and see documentation that this approach is reasonable, first.
It seems to me potentially problematic to set the root as / in terms of root owned files (problem if fingers dipped into the bits, even if only temporarily), let alone non-files such as everything in /dev. Let alone file renames / remappings / temporary names, etc., if that's what happens with use of clamfs. (If I can see such use cases, or documentation that clamfs knows how to intelligently handle all this stuff, not go down device or links paths, etc., I'm good to go.)
(Admittedly, I'm groping for understanding, search terms, and vaguely remembered knowledge bits from long enough ago that I'm not getting anywhere useful in google searches in any reasonable time frame.)
So - pointing clamfs at / OK?
Thoughts, pointers, suggestions, gotchas?