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Kubuntu Post Install Issue

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    Kubuntu Post Install Issue

    I've just installed Kubuntu 11.04 on my computer after a couple of months using Ubuntu 11.04 (not liking unity and gnome very much).

    However when I booted up my computer with the new install, the KDE desktop doesn't load up. Instead I get a full screen command terminal (reminiscent of the old dos system).

    I am completely new to linux and I don't know any coding for it so I'm rather annoyed because I can't use my computer!!!

    Someone please help me I'm tearing my hair out and I can't seem to find any solution on the internet!!!!

    Re: Kubuntu Post Install Issue

    Is the screen all black, with only a blinking underscore in the upper left corner? Or do you see a login prompt?


      Re: Kubuntu Post Install Issue

      I have a login prompt. It can't be my graphics card as I tried the Kubuntu desktop on the same computer when I had Ubuntu installed and it worked perfectly, in fact it was better than unity and gnome!


        Re: Kubuntu Post Install Issue

        I fear something went amiss during the installation, or perhaps there was some problem with the downloaded ISO or the CD burn. It should not boot to the tty console -- I don't recall ever seeing another example of that happening. Out of curiosity, you could press Ctrl-Alt-F7 and see if KDM is running. You could also trying reinstalling the kubuntu-desktop metapackage with this command (after logging in):

        sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop
        But, since it's not possible to know whether other parts of the system are defective due to whatever went wrong, I personally would start over -- check the downloaded ISO and/or CD with md5sum, and if that is correct, then carefully reinstall the entire OS.

        Also, since you are new to Linux, the "Top 20" FAQs in my signature may be helpful.


          Re: Kubuntu Post Install Issue

          Cheers for that. I got the cd free with Linux format magazine as a triple boot with Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu so it should be 100% ok with regards corruption.

          I have tried that command line earlier when I first started looking for a solution. The problem is because I haven't logged in properly ie not typing in a password for the daemon so that i can connect to the internet like I would as it boots up the desktop I can't download anything or get updated to try to fix the issue!


            Re: Kubuntu Post Install Issue

            When you installed it, you gave yourself a user name and a password, correct? So, at the login prompt, you type your user name and press the "Enter" key. It asks for your password -- you carefully type it (you will see no feedback on the screen) and press the Enter key again. You should now get a user prompt. You can now type commands, including the one I gave you above. The system should have already started the networking service, and if you are connected to a modem or router, then you should be able to access the internet.

            sudo ping [url][/url]
            is a quick way to check that both your ethernet networking and your internet connection are functional.

