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Botched frostwire install corrupts system

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    Botched frostwire install corrupts system

    I installed Frostwire by downloading the the Debian package and right clicking it, going to the Kubuntu package menu -> install package.

    It seemed to stop in the middle of the install but I'm not sure. I then closed the window. Frostwire is in the menu but when I click on it the little ball just bounces and then finally goes away.

    I figured mayby I don't have the right version of the Java runtime emvironment so went to the Adapt installer and installed all of them.

    It still didn't work so I tryed to uninstall it the same way I installed it but when prompted for my password it freezes up, not accepting any keybord input.

    So I went to Adept and uninstalled it there.

    Now when I try to right click it and install it when prompted for my password it still freezes up.

    When I go to the Konsole terminal and type in su and when it prompts me for my password it freezes up not accepting any keyboard input.

    I am stuck, please help


    Re: Botched frostwire install corrupts system

    refer to this thread:


      Re: Botched frostwire install corrupts system

      Thanks for the reply.
      I am uable to login as root user, as I mentioned in my first post, when I enter su in the konsole terminal program and get prompted to enter my password, it freezes up and doesn't accept any input. I even removed and reinsalled the Konsole terminal program and it is still broken


        Re: Botched frostwire install corrupts system

        you mean you don't see any *'s as you type your password when the program asks you to? no characters (not even *) are echoed/displayed on the console screen when you type in your password.

        why don't you try typing in your password and hit return/enter.


          Re: Botched frostwire install corrupts system

          Thanks for the help
          In the console terminal progam I am able to login as root only if I start a root shell, I guess this is normal.
          The *'s aren't visible, but it works in a root shell.

          I got the Java plugin installed but I installed it to my desktop.
          I have it working for Mozzilla, but I think I need it in the /usr directory
          or the /usr/java directory (which I currently don't have)
          or the /usr/lib directory
          Where does Frostwire need it to be?
          Is it possible for me to just copy it into the new directory?

          Also, somehow I managed to remove Adept from my K menu.
          I not sure if its installed.
          How do I fix this?

          Any help greatly appreciated,


            Re: Botched frostwire install corrupts system

            Frostwire success 8)
            I created a Java folder and put the executable folder into it and moved it to the /usr directory.
            Thats all it took.

            I have yet to restore adept to my menu I will create a new post for this.

            Thanks for the help,


              Re: Botched frostwire install corrupts system

              I got Adept working by going to the terminal and typing: apt-get install adept.

