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GPG sign fails

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    GPG sign fails

    Now signing changes and any dsc files...
     signfile kopete_0.12.1-1.dsc my_name <my_email_address>
    gpg: skipped "my_name <my_email_address>": secret key not available
    gpg: [stdin]: clearsign failed: secret key not available
    debsign: gpg error occurred! Aborting....
    debuild: fatal error at line 791:
    running debsign failed
    i'm trying to compile Kopete using debhelper. (just wanted to try building tools available in the system).

    i have generated a GPG key already and checked that it matches the maintainer name and email address in debian/control. i didn't edit anything in the debian folder (just used dh_make -e ... -f ...).

    please help me solve this.

    Re: GPG sign fails

    I don't recompile things so I could easily be wrong, but don't you need the gpg key of the maintainer instead of your key?


      Re: GPG sign fails

      Originally posted by askrieger
      I don't recompile things so I could easily be wrong, but don't you need the gpg key of the maintainer instead of your key?
      I don't think so, I (vaguely) remember making a package and signing with my key

      Are you sure you made the key right? your keys owner is actually my_name <my_email_address>? I doubt it. I learned how to make a gpg key from someone after the kubuntu meeting (#ubuntu-meeting on, so try asking at the end of a meeting, or in #kubuntu of

      Also check here: nov 18 and 19 (long time from now) has a lesson on GPG encryption. Speaking of classes, I should go post about this!
      <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


        Re: GPG sign fails

        thanks for the replies, guys. i still haven't been able to package.

        Originally posted by Nirvana

        Are you sure you made the key right? your keys owner is actually my_name <my_email_address>? I doubt it.
        "my_name <my_email_address>" is not the UID of my key. i just didn't want to write here my name and email address. but i'm sure the name and email address of my key and the one in the debian/control file match.

        used GNU PG:

        gpg --gen-key


          Re: GPG sign fails

          No need to wait for the irc classroom. Just see this page on the Community help wiki Also, as Nirvana pointed out, what you need is not YOUR id but your key id which is the 8 hex digits that you got when you generated the key.


            Re: GPG sign fails

            Originally posted by askrieger
            No need to wait for the irc classroom. Just see this page on the Community help wiki Also, as Nirvana pointed out, what you need is not YOUR id but your key id which is the 8 hex digits that you got when you generated the key.
            i followed the steps in the wiki. but the signing still fails (same message as in my first post).

            i thought the build tool (debuild) would lookup the key id matching the UID. so, how do i tell it what key id to use?

