Kubuntu version 10.04
KDE version: 4.4.5
Grub version: 0.9
Question 1: I want to talk to my friends on Skype but my mic is really quiet. So when I try to open KMix to turn my mic up Kmix doesn't open. I would like to know the code to open it via Konsole.
Question 2: There is a Java game that I have to download to play. When I click on it it starts with Sun Java 6 Runtime. But it doesn't open. In the task bar it says Sun Java 6 Runtime, but it never opens. I have tried java -jar minecraftsp.jar (the name of the file) but it said: Unable to access jarfile minecraftsp.jar.
All help is appreciated!
I'm such a noob
KDE version: 4.4.5
Grub version: 0.9
Question 1: I want to talk to my friends on Skype but my mic is really quiet. So when I try to open KMix to turn my mic up Kmix doesn't open. I would like to know the code to open it via Konsole.
Question 2: There is a Java game that I have to download to play. When I click on it it starts with Sun Java 6 Runtime. But it doesn't open. In the task bar it says Sun Java 6 Runtime, but it never opens. I have tried java -jar minecraftsp.jar (the name of the file) but it said: Unable to access jarfile minecraftsp.jar.
All help is appreciated!
