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KMix and Minecraft

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    KMix and Minecraft

    Kubuntu version 10.04
    KDE version: 4.4.5
    Grub version: 0.9

    Question 1: I want to talk to my friends on Skype but my mic is really quiet. So when I try to open KMix to turn my mic up Kmix doesn't open. I would like to know the code to open it via Konsole.

    Question 2: There is a Java game that I have to download to play. When I click on it it starts with Sun Java 6 Runtime. But it doesn't open. In the task bar it says Sun Java 6 Runtime, but it never opens. I have tried java -jar minecraftsp.jar (the name of the file) but it said: Unable to access jarfile minecraftsp.jar.

    All help is appreciated! I'm such a noob

    Re: KMix and Minecraft

    Originally posted by kingkong
    Kubuntu version 10.04
    KDE version: 4.4.5
    Grub version: 0.9

    Question 1: I want to talk to my friends on Skype but my mic is really quiet. So when I try to open KMix to turn my mic up Kmix doesn't open. I would like to know the code to open it via Konsole.

    All help is appreciated! I'm such a noob
    you click the little speeker icon in the system tray and it dosent open ? have problems!!

    as for the konsole try
    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Re: KMix and Minecraft

      The system try opens up and it only says Master so I can turn up my volume but I need to turn up my mic. If I right click it says Kmix at the top but its not clickable. And from the Konsole it doesn't have A place to turn up my mic =(.


        Re: KMix and Minecraft

        when you click the speaker icon in the system tray and it pops up is their not a button that seas mixer?

        click it .....then if you dont see mic controls click configure kmix>configure channels at the top ....and drag controls you see in the left pane that you knead to the right pain for use .......I think as I dont have my box running 10.04 hear!!

        as far as alsamixer in a konsole you may half to press F5 to see them all then use the arrow keys to move left or right through the list until you have the mic highlighted then the M key to mute/unmute and the up and down arrow keys to adjust

        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          Re: KMix and Minecraft

          Thanks a lot both of those suggestions worked!

          If you could help me with Q # 2 that would be great.

          Once again Thanks a lot


            Re: KMix and Minecraft

            Originally posted by kingkong
            Kubuntu version 10.04
            KDE version: 4.4.5
            Grub version: 0.9

            Question 2: There is a Java game that I have to download to play. When I click on it it starts with Sun Java 6 Runtime. But it doesn't open. In the task bar it says Sun Java 6 Runtime, but it never opens. I have tried java -jar minecraftsp.jar (the name of the file) but it said: Unable to access jarfile minecraftsp.jar.

            All help is appreciated! I'm such a noob
            I dont have much experience with java games ....but I will assume when you say " I have tried java -jar minecraftsp.jar " you mean in a konsole ?

            if so you may knead to supply the full path to the file OR try from in the DIR that contanes the file /home /me/games/ ......and try agin.

            if you can give me a link to the file and I will DL it and see if it runs hear

            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
            16GB RAM
            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


              Re: KMix and Minecraft

              I ran across this minecraft thread last week.
              Klaatu Barada Nikto


                Re: KMix and Minecraft

                I have seen that thread but that is for if you bought the game, but I use the cracked version. And vinny go to this video and download link in description:


                  Re: KMix and Minecraft

                  It doesn't matter if minecraft is hacked or not. The commands to start the game is the same. I used that thread to help me get mine going on Natty (It was cracked too).
                  Klaatu Barada Nikto


                    Re: KMix and Minecraft

                    bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('

                    Yes Ive tried it that is the error if I do cd /home/andrew/Downloads/ (zip) (the directory)


                      Re: KMix and Minecraft


                      I can get the true version to work but sadly the cracked doesnt! I can't play the true version because I haven't bought the game!


                        Re: KMix and Minecraft

                        Do the right thing and purchase that which you want to use.
                        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                          Re: KMix and Minecraft

                          The cracked version is supplied BY THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE THE REAL ONE (Notch)! The real one gives you better quality and real multiplayer. When you download the Minecraft Server maker thing, it has a place where you change if it's a private sever (For cracked version) true/false. I have been considering buying the real one just for the better quality.


                            Re: KMix and Minecraft

                            I got it working I had to change the directory and it worked!


                              Re: KMix and Minecraft

                              NEW PROBLEM. I want to install some mods in my game, but when I open ark it won't let me delete any files? Please help. Thank you for those who do help me.

