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Sharing Internet

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    Sharing Internet

    I'm new, sort of.
    I've been using mandrake/iva for years, but only when a new version would come out did I ever deal to much with it. I currently have it setup to share internet using shorewall. It's really easy in mandriva you click you click some more your done. you edit /etc/shorewall/rules to make things like ftp samba and cups work and there's nothing more too it. Most of the hard stuff they do for you, and they even setup bind and dhcp for you.

    I want to try doing this with something OTHER than mandriva, but I don't know how. I just got done trying openbsd and ran into snags getting a dhcp server working (it didn't) and am about fed up trying it. I'd love to try ubuntu (but am kde fan) so figured i'd try kubuntu. Anyone already done this sort of thing? can point list a how-to on the process of doing such a task? thanks.

    Re: Sharing Internet

    you could use Guarddog or Firestarter to share internet connection.. it's a firewall with internet sharing functions.. and it's GUI..


      Re: Sharing Internet

      Excellent, how do I go about installing it, or is it already available?


        Re: Sharing Internet

        This Ubuntu Community Help page explains the process of internet connection sharing under (K)Ubuntu. It lists 3 approaches, one of which is Firestarter.

