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[Solved]Noob Confused by video settings

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    [Solved]Noob Confused by video settings

    This is my first Linux install (Kubuntu 11.04).

    When I run it from the live cd, the video is fine. It is hooked up to my TV via a VGA cable, and the video card is an older nvidia. The live cd sets the resolution to 1360 x 768 at 75hz, which is full screen and clear.

    I have installed to a hard drive, but when it boots, the screen is offset so that the screen is partially off the monitor, and I can't see the K button(or access the menu). The text is also very difficult to read and blurry. I used my TVs adjustments to move the screen horizontally to get to the K button, and access the display settings, but the highest refresh the display settings will let me select is 54hz, which is why I think I have this problem because I can't set it to 75hz.

    I have seen posts about editing xorg.conf, but there is only one "block" in my xorg.conf file and it dosen't appear to be monitor related.

    So my question is how do I get my installed version of Kubuntu to match the video settings that the live cd I installed with use?

    Thanks for your help

    Re: Noob Confused by video settings

    First, make sure you are connected to the Internet. Then open up the K menu (press Alt+F1 if you can't see the K button). Go to the Applications tab and select the entry for System. Click the Additional Drivers menu item. Let the system search for any drivers required and, in the window that appears after the search is complete, see if any driver for Nvidia is listed. If it is, click on it then click the Activate button below. If there are two or more drivers for Nvidia, click the one that says recommended. The driver will be downloaded from the Internet and installed automatically. Wait for it to be completely installed, then restart your computer.

    If the display is still not correct, open up the K menu, then, on the Computer tab select System Settings. Click the 'Display and Monitor' icon in the Hardware section (you may have to scroll down for it or else use the search bar in the top-right corner of the window). Click the Identify Outputs button near the bottom and note what name appears on your TV. Make sure that that name is expanded in the list of video outputs appearing in the window (if it's not expanded, click the name to expand it). In the Size, Refresh, Orientation and Position settings, make sure that your correct options are selected. Once done, click the Apply button in the bottom-right corner of the window.

    Hope this helps, but if not, you can always post back here with more details.


      Re: Noob Confused by video settings

      Thanks saurav,

      I did as you suggested and after updating the video drivers, It set the resolution and refresh rate properly.

      Thanks again for your quick reply!


        Re: [Solved]Noob Confused by video settings

        You are very much welcome. Glad to be of help.

