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How to make Kubuntu 11.04 get the AUDIO drivers of my MB ?

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    Re: How to make Kubuntu 11.04 get the AUDIO drivers of my MB ?

    PulseAudio is indeed a mixed blessing.
    When I played with pavucontrol to check what I was writing here I noticed this laptop has a build in microphone, that's after using it for nearly three years with an external one


      Re: How to make Kubuntu 11.04 get the AUDIO drivers of my MB ?

      Don't feel bad. If one lives long enough they will experience that event several times. I've been using Linux since 1998 and once or twice a week lately, I've learned something about it that I never knew.

      As I used to tell my students: "We are all stupid, some in one thing, others in another", or "we are all smart, some in one thing, others in another".
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Re: How to make Kubuntu 11.04 get the AUDIO drivers of my MB ?

        Phonon/Pulseaudio was kind of a rough "gift" when it first appeared (kinda like KDE 4.0). However, in recent months I have become accustomed to working with it. This weekend I have been recording some old 33.3 RPM vinyl records, using a phono turntable connected through a stereo receiver in to the "Mic" jack on my motherboard. I used alsamixergui to set the levels in "rear mic" and "rear mic boost", and then pavucontrol to set the Input volume, and to mute the Output while I am recording.

        You really need ALSA -- pulseaudio is not sufficient without ALSA, but pulseaudio gives you a higher level of control to turn things on and off, once they are enabled with ALSA. But I don't recommend trying to live with ALSA only, if you frequently plug in microphones, webcams, or other items that have a sound capability. ALSA enables the devices -- pavucontrol lets you control them.


          Re: How to make Kubuntu 11.04 get the AUDIO drivers of my MB ?

          "That you apparently could not raise or lower volume levels in alsamixer"
          Of course, i can. The only things witch doesn't work with my keyboard are the volume + &- and the mute button in kubuntu.
          But i'm not so sure it is a keyboard problem ;-)

          I have found a very useful page about pulse Audio:

          with a question: Is-it really secure to let the authors or the devs of that stuff without psychiatric surveillance ? (Print a smiley here )

          The only sentence witch was understandable for me was this refreshing introduction:
          "Following these rules should enable the user to run 90% of all Linux/Unix applications"...
          Followed by 1giga of " if"," else" and Martian characters in a infinite loop.

          Ouf. it is not like you have to click "Agree" to get 100% of your stuff working ;-)

          This said, Even looking in my Seven realtek Audio interface, i'm not really sure that the guys from Realtek have any notion of what sound is, neither. (i was a sound engineer during half of my adult life).

          @dible: I realy loved your last sentence: "pavucontrol lets you control them". (Print a smiley here )
          [img width=400 height=136][/img]
          Full size:

          The most integrated mixing desk ever !!!!

          I'm so tired, with all this schizophrenic stuff (OSS, ALSA, Pulse, GStreamer, Xine, Phonon etc...) running upside down at the top of each others, you can't imagine. But Always learning

          And, if you ask-me at this time for a single word to resume my Kubuntu "friendly computing" experience, it will be: A nightmare !


            Re: How to make Kubuntu 11.04 get the AUDIO drivers of my MB ?

            Originally posted by esperado

            @dible: I realy loved your last sentence: "pavucontrol lets you control them". (Print a smiley here )
            Heh heh heh

            OK, you got me there. When I wrote that, I was thinking more of this capability:

            [img width=400 height=318][/img]


              Re: How to make Kubuntu 11.04 get the AUDIO drivers of my MB ?

              I promise-you, this:

              is more simple.
              But it was before some dev had this brilliant idea to set each track in a separate control room, just before an other dev lost their keys.


                Re: How to make Kubuntu 11.04 get the AUDIO drivers of my MB ?

                Yikes! Well, I know there are tools and forums for those who need to use Linux to run a recording studio:



                But, my own experience is limited to this kind of stuff:

                [img width=400 height=250][/img]


                  Re: How to make Kubuntu 11.04 get the AUDIO drivers of my MB ?

                  Some got their ALC892 working by setting

                  options snd-hda-intel model=asus

                  in /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    Re: How to make Kubuntu 11.04 get the AUDIO drivers of my MB ?

                    Found this bug report:

                    Note Reply #3
                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      Re: How to make Kubuntu 11.04 get the AUDIO drivers of my MB ?

                      Thanks a lot. I really appreciate your efforts. (i'm so confuse and graceful)

                      Well, i tried to find 'modprobe.conf' in the folder /etc/modprobe.d :'no such a file'.

                      Tried to install drivers according to your last post (reporting bug)
                      Reboot: Now, i just have a dummy output, No more sound at all and alsamixer in a console returns "no such a file or folder".

                      Upset of all those insane command lines. Why did they make the things so uncomfortable, complicated, obscure, risky ?
                      All my attempts to repair this broken system broke-it a little more.
                      WIll not ask you to loose more of y our precious time. This kubuntu is nothing i want to play with. anymore.
                      I give-it up, before to turn as crazy as the guys who had coded this bug collection called Linux Desktops (to stay polite). I tried Kubuntu 3 times in my life, never worked as expected. 90%, hum ?

                      You, guys were so generous, nice and gentle, thanks a lot. But How can-i ask-you to walk on water ?

                      It is now my time to help newbies.
                      My tip will be: Install Linux if you really want to try, and, at the first thing not working as expected, format and run away as fast as possible. If not, you will live the rest of your life in an ocean of trouble.


                        Re: How to make Kubuntu 11.04 get the AUDIO drivers of my MB ?

                        Originally posted by esperado
                        But How can-i ask-you to walk on water ?
                        You don't.

                        Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loves and cares about you most of all!
                        How do I know this personally? Please read here:
                        PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST! You don't have to end up here:


                          Re: How to make Kubuntu 11.04 get the AUDIO drivers of my MB ?

                          ardvark71, are-you the real Jesus Christ, or just an avatar ;-)


                            Re: How to make Kubuntu 11.04 get the AUDIO drivers of my MB ?

                            Originally posted by esperado
                            ardvark71, are-you the real Jesus Christ, or just an avatar ;-)
                            No, I just belong to Him
                            Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loves and cares about you most of all!
                            How do I know this personally? Please read here:
                            PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST! You don't have to end up here:


                              Re: How to make Kubuntu 11.04 get the AUDIO drivers of my MB ?

                              Originally posted by esperado
                              Well, i tried to find 'modprobe.conf' in the folder /etc/modprobe.d :'no such a file'.
                              That was a brain fart (common in 70 year old brains ... at least mine )
                              That should have been

                              Tried to install drivers according to your last post (reporting bug)
                              Reboot: Now, i just have a dummy output, No more sound at all and alsamixer in a console returns "no such a file or folder".

                              Upset of all those insane command lines. Why did they make the things so uncomfortable, complicated, obscure, risky ?
                              All my attempts to repair this broken system broke-it a little more.
                              WIll not ask you to loose more of y our precious time. This kubuntu is nothing i want to play with. anymore.
                              I give-it up, before to turn as crazy as the guys who had coded this bug collection called Linux Desktops (to stay polite). I tried Kubuntu 3 times in my life, never worked as expected. 90%, hum ?
                              Too bad. I suspect that you had the misfortune of trying to install it on a box that had too many hardware incompatibilities. As a general rule, in my experience installing Kubuntu on the computers of over two dozen folks around my age (some of them installed Kubuntu themselves but I agreed to support them), over 95% of the installs were the proverbial "out of the box". So, don't assume that because your hardware gave you a lot of problems that other's hardware acts the same. They don't. We only hear the problem cases here, which are the exception, not the rule.

                              Good luck with Windows.
                              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                                Re: How to make Kubuntu 11.04 get the AUDIO drivers of my MB ?

                                Good luck with Windows.
                                Windows don't need luck, it just eat money.

                                i don't have a lot of money, but, as all the poor men, seems i have more money than luck. (compute)

                                No more luck with that ;-)

                                Over 95% of the installs were the proverbial [i]"out of the box"
                                No ceremony between us, Just call-me Thomas.

                                on a box that had too many hardware incompatibilities
                                I swear i had not build my Asus motherboard by myself.

                                You had installed two dozen of Kubuntu ? Yo, I can understand where you got your grey hairs.
                                Apologize for my special sens of humor (and my poor English), GreyGeek, it is just to make-you smile, and thanks again for your so generous help (really).
                                Wish the best for you. If some days you're in need for some help in PHP, Mysql, or Javascript, do not hesitate. (i'm easy to find on the WWW)

                                Originally posted by ardvark71
                                No, I just belong to Him
                                Too bad, i was in need for a miracle.

