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Set up Postfix to send Emails to hotmail and gmail accounts...

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    Set up Postfix to send Emails to hotmail and gmail accounts...

    Hey I remember I once did a work for my college and got to send with sendmail on postfix to my gmail adress on a virtual machine...the mesege I got was Ubuntu@ adrress because It was running on live image...but now I cant get to send anything from my work..I read and read and nothing helpfull...tried:

    sendmail EMAILADDRESS
    SUBJECT: hello world
    this is a test email


    And nothing...bfff any help plz? I want to set it up to send with internet site config not local or satellite...I think thats the config im looking for right? I jus want to send emails no to recieve them...
    Cheers Kira.

    Re: Set up Postfix to send Emails to hotmail and gmail accounts...

    the name and domain are set to USER@HOST respectively.
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix
    may let you change the host part easily at least then you use a mail client to sign into your smtp server and compose mail (or php's sendmail function)

    please note that smtp servers with out proper security certifictes will mostly be ingored so you might have to make a special pop3 sever to receive the mail.
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      Re: Set up Postfix to send Emails to hotmail and gmail accounts...

      You need to set up postfix's configuration files. I got it working with yahoo, and during that process, came across several sites that had information on gmail and hotmail. Specifically, you will need to set up /etc/postfix/
      My suggestion is to google for "postix gmail ubuntu", as there is a how-to on the ubuntu site. Try the following:

      Ignore anything that discusses compiling, as that is already done for you. Focus on setting up and Depending on what you are doing, you may also need a /etc/postfix/transport file. I have mine set up so that mailing to address send to the local system, mailing to goes through packet radio, and mailing to relays through yahoo smtp. You will, of course, want yours to relay through gmail -- as sithlord mentioned, do not try to smtp it yourself. You will also need fetchmail or msmtp if you want to pull mail off gmail into your local machine.

      It's do-able, but a real pain to get working smoothly, as the config files for all of these are tricky. Be prepared for a lot of experimenting.
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        Re: Set up Postfix to send Emails to hotmail and gmail accounts...

        Both Gmail and Yahoo Mail (and I'm pretty sure Hotmail) allow IMAP access for free.

        If all you want to do is have an email client access email stored at one of those places, Thunderbird will even detect the settings of the IMAP and SMTP servers automatically (while your firewall is temporarily turned off) for your account at one of those places.

        Otherwise, I assume you have your own mail server and are using Gmail for a store and forward service, or something like that.

        In that situation I expect you already have a complete mailserver set up and shouldn't need our advice so much.

        (If not and desire a mailserver installation, I recommend using the Dovecot-Postfix packages automatic configuration):

        sudo apt-get install dovecot-postifx
        sudo apt-get install -f

        and then reading the links (given in the above post) for SMTP forwarding. It's not exactly trivial because there's a lot of security that most store and forward servers require to make sure they aren't a conduit for spam. It's even tighter the past few months.


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